Author Topic: screwed the pooch on xbox one controller ocb repair. please help!?  (Read 834 times)

Offline frostedjakez

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I'm brand new to acidmods. yaaaay!

my controller died recently so me being a novice tech junkie, i decided to take a crack at repair. i got a little forceful when removing the broken micro USB from the PCB and well you'll see in my attached photos i mutilated the contacts. :( so onward to my next faze in learning. I'm researching how to repair contacts as we speak.

why am i reaching out to you oh wise community?? I'm reaching out because i have little knowledge on how to 1) read a schematic, 2) the t# r# c#s on this PCB is over my head of comprehension at this phase in my quest for knowledge.

i need help identifying what goes where in terms of pin ( of the micro sub ) to contact that i mutilated on the PCB. i simply want to 1, reconnect a micro USB to the PCB or 2) completely hard wire a 4 or 5 wire sub cable to the PCB bypassing the need for a replacement micro USB all together.

here are some photos of my abortion of an attempt to "fix" this pcb. please kind replies and ill take all the help i can get i really wanna save this puppy.

Offline frostedjakez

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Re: screwed the pooch on xbox one controller ocb repair. please help!?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2022, 12:54:46 PM »
I'm brand new to acidmods. yaaaay!

my controller died recently so me being a novice tech junkie, i decided to take a crack at repair. i got a little forceful when removing the broken micro USB from the PCB and well you'll see in my attached photos i mutilated the contacts. :( so onward to my next faze in learning. I'm researching how to repair contacts as we speak.

why am i reaching out to you oh wise community?? I'm reaching out because i have little knowledge on how to 1) read a schematic, 2) the t# r# c#s on this PCB is over my head of comprehension at this phase in my quest for knowledge.

i need help identifying what goes where in terms of pin ( of the micro sub ) to contact that i mutilated on the PCB. i simply want to 1, reconnect a micro USB to the PCB or 2) completely hard wire a 4 or 5 wire sub cable to the PCB bypassing the need for a replacement micro USB all together.

here are some photos of my abortion of an attempt to "fix" this pcb. please kind replies and ill take all the help i can get i really wanna save this puppy.

Below is a link to my google drive that has far to many photos of my pcb, if this isnt aloud i will gladly upload them through the proper channel once im notified. thanks for any help you guys can provide!

Offline LethalPrime

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Re: screwed the pooch on xbox one controller ocb repair. please help!?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2022, 06:03:28 PM »
Option A: Scrape back some of the solder mask, find where the broken traces go with a multimeter in continuity mode, run bodge wire jumpers to the place of the traces you destroyed and to your replacement USB port.

Option B: find non working donor in better condition and replace non working parts with known good parts.

Offline frostedjakez

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Re: screwed the pooch on xbox one controller ocb repair. please help!?
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2022, 07:14:34 PM »
Lethalprime my man, thank you got the response! Thanks for the continuity name drop. Never knew what setting I needed for that purpose. Like I said I'm a noob but love learning.

You mentioned bodge wire jumpers, I have no idea what that is but nothing a Google search can't fix, I'm not sure of you looked at the photos or not. You said scrape the solder mask. In my photos where the micro USB connects to the PCB, the top outer most coating on the PCB is missing leaving just the solderless, bare traces.

Is the bare PCB area and where the pins connected to the board at one point the broken traces you're talking about?

Again I'm sorry if my questions are super noobish, if you answer it'll be greatly appreciated, even if you can point me in the direction of a good website for information or written tutorials I would appreciate the hell outta that too. Again thanks for the response prime take care!


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