Author Topic: Left trigger permanently pressed  (Read 785 times)

Offline will38uk

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Left trigger permanently pressed
« on: July 15, 2022, 09:30:01 AM »

I have two controllers model 1537 which have the same issue of The left trigger pressed down

After some googling and watching YouTube I understand the function of the linear hall sensor.  I?ve tested the linear hall sensor and it is working.  The voltage readout on the multimeter is 0.3 V and drops when you move the magnet near. 

My question is what would be the next step of troubleshooting.  If the lineal sensor is functioning correctly then why is the left trigger been activated.   I understand that it should only activate when the voltage drops triggered by the magnet movement .  It would be a step forward if I could for example have the left trigger not working, because its more disruptive to the use of the controller the fact that it?s constantly pressed.

I understand how to troubleshoot the potentiometer is for the sticks but don?t have the same depth of understanding for troubleshooting these linear whole sensors
« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 09:32:02 AM by will38uk »


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