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Component value indentifying. ?????


Hi i really need some help getting the values of theese 4 caps.

They came of the PS4 1216a model. When i was removing the Encoder IC, and now i dont know wich one belonged where.
Placed next to the HDMI encoder.!Ahsde5aYeLgglUTsAYHZDFL3GV1e

And i dont know how to add a picture in the post. so i dropped a link to one.
The 4 caps are marked with red.

Hopefully someone with that same board can chime in and confirm or correct this for you, but I'll take a WAG there based only off that image. They all look like decoupling caps on there. If one side of a cap goes to ground, then most times that's all it's doing and the values of them aren't going to be really critical unless you're messing with filtering frequencies. Those all look like they are on power rails from that image, so they all might be the same value anyway. Again, not saying any of that is fact, as I have no board here to check or compare values.


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