Author Topic: JDM-050 specific problem  (Read 814 times)

Offline Daro_86

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JDM-050 specific problem
« on: November 18, 2022, 01:01:14 PM »
Hi, I'm new here. First of all Hi to everyone. I have seen many excellent treads here and found a lot of helpfull info. Im greatfull for that.

As for the problem. I have JDM-050 controller, geniune Sony. First of all wasn't turning on at all. I've opened it, measured and came to a point that sometthing was wrong on the line from BD92003 to that inductor. Inductor was placed between analog stick and BD92003. When i removed it conroller started working. But it had problem with charging. Before that inductor removal BD92003 was getting hot really quick when controller was connected thru Usb. After that inductor removal Bd29003 was still getting hot but not as quick as before. So I disconnected pads on FPC connector responsible for 5V comming from usb board. After that it wasn't getting hot anymore. Then I decided to add some sort of charging and picked TP4056 board for that. Currently controller is charging and mostly working fine but there is a baterry drain. I have to charge it after 2 days. When fully charged during the day, after night it has 75 %, then after next few hours 50% and so on..

I would be thankfull for any advice what to do in this case? Any suggestions are welcome. Im wondering.. is replacing the Bd92003 the only way to solve this or is there anything else that I can do to repair it?

« Last Edit: November 21, 2022, 01:55:00 PM by Daro_86 »


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