Author Topic: Xbox one wireless card 1525 missing components  (Read 1180 times)

Offline jetuaime81

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Xbox one wireless card 1525 missing components
« on: February 15, 2023, 07:28:56 PM »
I have a xbox one wireless card model 1525 with 2 missing components. It is very hard in my country to find or import (expensive) console spares.

Can someone help me identify these components. 1 is the signal line so might be an inductor or resistor, and 2 probably is a capacitor as one pad is ground. I might be wrong with the component location (as there are pads for 4 components), only 2 are populated is what I understood from photos on the internet. Thanks.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2023, 11:57:02 PM by jetuaime81 »


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