Author Topic: what can replace the potentiometers on the sticks  (Read 625 times)

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what can replace the potentiometers on the sticks
« on: February 16, 2023, 12:52:52 AM »
Greetings. I am building a custom controller based on the xbox one controller but there is one problem. these are small potentiometers on the axles. is it possible to replace them with something else? bigger and more sensitive. I tried to replace it with WH148 10k but it turned out that the working area of all controller potentiometers is 60 degrees, while WH148 has 300 degrees.
I also tried SS49E hall sensors but it didn't work either. when the magnet was fully approached, the axis deviated by a maximum of 80%.
connected everything directly. without additional elements.
now the new stick looks like this.  but I want something more reliable.


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