Author Topic: Howdy!  (Read 1316 times)

Offline Ace1492

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« on: May 12, 2023, 04:11:34 AM »
A little about me..........An OG gamer who cut his teeth on Contra, Tecmo Bowl and an awful lot of MT Punchout.  Engineering school dropout that never could shake the need to tear things down, figure out how they operated and then proceed to enhance their operation.  Sometimes failing  Have been "modding" or "customizing" console controllers for family & friends for sometime.  This is mostly custom shells, re-map & LED Kits & Pre fab mod chips.  Happened across this site while searching for a PCB schematic with voltages and landing points for the Elite Series 2.  So if anyone has it, please send my direction.   I am also excited to chat with you folks and hopefully gather some inspiration and information on some new projects.  I have been kinda in a rut doing the same things.  Happy to be here!


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