Author Topic: JDM-055 That does not disconnect until you remove the battery.  (Read 944 times)

Offline tomari

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JDM-055 That does not disconnect until you remove the battery.
« on: October 11, 2023, 03:59:09 AM »
Hello, I have a jdm-055 that I connect to the play and it works perfectly, but when I turn off the play the controller stays on until I remove the battery, what could be the reason for this. Thank you.

Offline Eren_Ackerman

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Re: JDM-055 That does not disconnect until you remove the battery.
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2023, 01:59:02 PM »
The charge IC is damaged. It's the chip on the center of the board, named s2pg001a. I've had 2 controllers with that exact same symptom. Also, when I charge them and then disconnect them from the USB cable, the orange light keeps pulsing as if it were still connected to the USB cable. This happens because the chip is either very poorly designed or purposely designed to fail.

With one of my controllers I was able to stop that behavior by heating up the chip while the controller still had its battery connected to it. I think I set my hot air gun to 210?C or something like that. The idea was to thermal stress the internal switches for them to function more easily while the heat was on, so that in case they were "stuck" they could "move" so to say.

I documented everything I did with that controller here:,45096.msg338811.html#msg338811

The bad news is that this controller I did that trick on lost its charging ability through the USB port and then it could only charge through the EXT port, so I learned some time later that I could simply short the 5v capacitors on the side of the s2pg001a chip to share the 5v coming from the USB port into the EXT circuit.

The one thing to understand from all this is that if you want to fix it, you're going to need a replacement s2pg001a anyway. That's what I thought and simply took the risk. Whether you take the same risk playing with the faulty IC or not is up to you. The replacement chip is kind of expensive.

Offline tomari

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Re: JDM-055 That does not disconnect until you remove the battery.
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2023, 02:19:29 PM »
Hello, I repaired this controller by removing the battery and with an external source I put 2.5V to see if the charging IC or any other components got hot, it didn't get hot at all, I put the battery back in, which was in perfect condition and the controller was off, I connected it to the play and it worked, I disconnected it and it disconnected, so the controller was in perfect condition, I don't know if putting an external charge in it did something to the charging IC, but it started to work perfectly .

Offline SamsungHandy

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Re: JDM-055 That does not disconnect until you remove the battery.
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2024, 01:32:01 PM »

I have a similar issue /the same as Eren_Ackerman
Have you connected the 2.5 to the battery "plug" on the controller directly?

Only difference is mine still charges but then the yellow blinking light is stuck
« Last Edit: January 06, 2024, 01:33:38 PM by SamsungHandy »


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