Author Topic: Rumble not working  (Read 1188 times)

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Rumble not working
« on: June 20, 2024, 04:03:03 PM »
Hello, I'm repairing a series S/X controller (model 1914), and during my final tests the rumbles aren't working. Unfortunately I'm not sure if they were working prior or not. I've tested each rumble and they all work with 3.3v. Also, tried a different MCU and that didn't didn't work, so it seems to be something with the power board I would guess? Where else can I look/test?

In the accessories app, vibration is turned to on. I'm wondering if it's possible that the controller was previously turned to "off" on the xbox, and that is causing the issues? Unfortunately I don't have an xbox to test this.

Also to note, I was performing an update on my controller and the computer crashed. I loaded it back up and finished the update. Wondering if that f'd things up. Everything else on the controller works as they should though.

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Re: Rumble not working
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2024, 08:11:46 AM »
Schematic for the 1914 is here -,44711.0.html

A crash or disconnect in the middle of an update could cause any number of issues, or none at all depending on where it was in the process.

On the top board, check U6p4 for 3.6v output, as that thing provides power for the Rumble motors. But it also provides power for the LED, so if it's working then the 3.6v is probably there.

If it is not there, suspect U6, it's support components or a short on the bottom board on that 3.6v rail. You'd also have no Guide button LED if this is bad.

If it is there, then find an XBOX to toggle the Rumble off/on and/or run update again from it. I'd doubt that all of the control lines to both motor driver chips would be wrecked, but I've seen worse things.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.


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