Author Topic: Connecting two xbox X controllers  (Read 1266 times)

Offline axbx

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Connecting two xbox X controllers
« on: January 09, 2024, 02:30:11 PM »
My goal is to play on two joysticks at the same time.
When pressing buttons on one joystick, they must also be pressed on the other joystick. Something like multiboxing.

Please may I ask you for help with this questions:
-will this work if I connect the test points on two joysticks corresponding to the required buttons? There will be one power source for two joysticks to normalize the voltage level.
-what about sticks? Reading this forum I realized that they may have different calibration settings.

Maybe there is another way to achieve this? Copilot function is not what I want.
Thank you for helping.

Offline thyaguster

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Re: Connecting two xbox X controllers
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2024, 12:08:05 AM »
You could try to explain the application, maybe there are some specific solutions...
You can't really connect stick pots off-board due to the increase in resistance, so I don't think you can skip the board.
If you use the board to make the coordinates calculations then as you already mentioned, calibrations will be different so the two controllers will not match, I imagine the stick movements will just jump around.

You can manually calibrate pots to achieve 0-7% deadzone from my experience, so it would also depend on the settings of your application, if it allows for deadzone adjustment or not.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 12:08:39 AM by thyaguster »


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