Author Topic: A puzzling difficulty with analogue sticks behaviour on BDM-010.  (Read 1673 times)

Offline volvo_owner

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Greetings, wise gentlemen.

Due to the unexcepted twist of fate, I became an owner of the fabulous DualSense game controller. However, as I learned shortly thereafter, it once was a subject of severe contamination, presumably by some liquor.

Hadn't I had any motive for using it, I'd just put it off. Yet that wasn't the case, so I decided to do some refreshments on its hardware.

That is, having observed kind of poor performance of the original analogue sticks soldered to the BDM-010 main PCB, I decided to swap them with DualShock 4 ones, rated 10 kOhms of resistance value. Should it be clarified that I did the aforementioned in a complete ignorance to their difference.

The swapping process has gone relatively fine, but the result was quite unsettling. Both the sticks were deviated in some diaglonal direction which I cannot clearly recall. Then I resorted to some magic unspecified, which finally made them centered. Yet their radius was restricted to 50% only.

Then I, having acknowed my mistake, ordered standard 2.3 kOhm sticks and swapped them once again.

Alas, I was unfortunate with my deed, as the stick deviation persisted on.

The current stick status can be seen as follows:

From top to bottom:
Left stick horizontal axis;
Left stick vertical axis;
Right stick horizontal axis;
Right stick vertical axis.

Shall I also mention that the game controller resetting process didn't do any good.

Pardon my humble enquiry and believe you me, I did everything I think I could before turning to the Wisdom of Internet, but still I find myself in an utter need of beseeching your knowledge in order to get this situation resolved.

Thank you kindly.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2024, 01:01:03 PM by volvo_owner »

Offline zis2104

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Re: A puzzling difficulty with analogue sticks behaviour on BDM-010.
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2024, 04:36:10 AM »
Greetings, wise gentlemen.

Due to the unexcepted twist of fate, I became an owner of the fabulous DualSense game controller. However, as I learned shortly thereafter, it once was a subject of severe contamination, presumably by some liquor.

Hadn't I had any motive for using it, I'd just put it off. Yet that wasn't the case, so I decided to do some refreshments on its hardware.

That is, having observed kind of poor performance of the original analogue sticks soldered to the BDM-010 main PCB, I decided to swap them with DualShock 4 ones, rated 10 kOhms of resistance value. Should it be clarified that I did the aforementioned in a complete ignorance to their difference.

The swapping process has gone relatively fine, but the result was quite unsettling. Both the sticks were deviated in some diaglonal direction which I cannot clearly recall. Then I resorted to some magic unspecified, which finally made them centered. Yet their radius was restricted to 50% only.

Then I, having acknowed my mistake, ordered standard 2.3 kOhm sticks and swapped them once again.

Alas, I was unfortunate with my deed, as the stick deviation persisted on.

The current stick status can be seen as follows:

From top to bottom:
Left stick horizontal axis;
Left stick vertical axis;
Right stick horizontal axis;
Right stick vertical axis.

Shall I also mention that the game controller resetting process didn't do any good.

Pardon my humble enquiry and believe you me, I did everything I think I could before turning to the Wisdom of Internet, but still I find myself in an utter need of beseeching your knowledge in order to get this situation resolved.

Thank you kindly.
I'll explain to you in practice how to replace the PS5 analogue ones, take the Alps ones (similar to the originals) take 2.3k sensors and before soldering them you must first solder only the base, then make the sensors make contact with the 3 pins, and replace if you see that is not centred, once you find it firm, if it is not centred, take pliers and slowly bend the plastic part, turn the wheel and continue until it is in the centre.

Offline volvo_owner

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Re: A puzzling difficulty with analogue sticks behaviour on BDM-010.
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2024, 01:07:03 AM »
I'll explain to you in practice how to replace the PS5 analogue ones, take the Alps ones (similar to the originals) take 2.3k sensors and before soldering them you must first solder only the base, then make the sensors make contact with the 3 pins, and replace if you see that is not centred, once you find it firm, if it is not centred, take pliers and slowly bend the plastic part, turn the wheel and continue until it is in the centre.

So, kind sir, presume you it's incorrect mounting of the thumbsticks that is to blame for the malfunction?

I believe even if my soldering skills are not that top-notch, I did everything quite decent.

My guess was, however, that something else might be causing the problem.

May I take it as your best suggestion to try and resolder the sticks once more?

Thank you.

Offline zis2104

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Re: A puzzling difficulty with analogue sticks behaviour on BDM-010.
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2024, 03:10:48 AM »
So, kind sir, presume you it's incorrect mounting of the thumbsticks that is to blame for the malfunction?

I believe even if my soldering skills are not that top-notch, I did everything quite decent.

My guess was, however, that something else might be causing the problem.

May I take it as your best suggestion to try and resolder the sticks once more?

Thank you.
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Offline volvo_owner

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Re: A puzzling difficulty with analogue sticks behaviour on BDM-010.
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2024, 11:05:07 PM »
Greetings once again, gentlemen.

I took all the advices provided to me and acted accrodingly to them, resoldering and adjusting the sticks in a specific manner. Alas, just as before, I was unsuccessful in such an approach.

Well, having lost my vigour due to the aforementioned failure, I'd decided to temporariliy put the refurbishment process
 of the controller to a halt.

However, now back and boiling, I will once again enquire for your help. And I feel I shall do as such as long as there's still hope left in me.

Apropos, have I some new information on the topic.

It is as follows:
With both sticks desoldered, I did try to make the potentiometer pins engage with the board in a such a way that only one axis' contacts will be closed. The results yielded by this simple experiment provide a very interesting regularity: when closed, the axis will not tempt to change its position, however, the following axis will deviate from the default -inf (outermost left) to -66%. That is, if we assume the axis order described in the OP as the 1 -> 4, then when the axis 1 would be closed, the axis 2 will be affected, while the former axis will remain untouched. The closure of the axis 4 thereby yields no reaction.

So with this described I wonder if it could be used in terms of resolving the problem.

May the pleasure be yours.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2024, 11:09:57 PM by volvo_owner »


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