Author Topic: Wired CL - Clearance on LT mechanism  (Read 1135 times)

Offline Hlid

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Wired CL - Clearance on LT mechanism
« on: February 01, 2024, 07:44:32 AM »
I sent my X360 Controller for PC (Bought in 2011) to a shop but when I received back the left trigger was always pressed like 1.7k~2k (from 0 to 32k).
I found it strange and instead of sending it back I decided to open (store is really far away and I don't want to pay shipping anymore)

The first thing I noticed was some trimpots on the right analog stick
Then I saw that they put a trimpot on the left analog too BUT BEHIND THE LT MECHANISM(right in the middle of the white plastic, the trimpot)
Because of this the white plastic doesn't have the clearance needed latch into the PCB
Also I was checking the LT potentiometer and looks like it was soldered a bit high. If I solder it a bit low, theoretically should stop the "always pressed" trigger


My questions are:

Should I remove the trimpot on the LT?
Should I just remove some material from the white plastic piece?
Should I Solder the LT potentiometer a bit lower?

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Re: Wired CL - Clearance on LT mechanism
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2024, 12:05:00 PM »
The 360 controllers aren't typically that picky about replacement sticks. Either you're controller is an oddball, or they used some garbage sticks, and given how that one fix was implemented I'd wager the latter.

There should be enough room on the trigger assembly to trim away at it so the thing will sit flat with that added trimpot on there. You'll need to desolder the LT POT to get the assembly off there.

Make sure they didn't jack up that bottom solder pad at the LT POT lead also, as having that one open would cause no voltage get to the POT and that would cause an LT always pressed issue.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline Hlid

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Re: Wired CL - Clearance on LT mechanism
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2024, 01:42:20 PM »
The 360 controllers aren't typically that picky about replacement sticks. Either you're controller is an oddball, or they used some garbage sticks, and given how that one fix was implemented I'd wager the latter.

There should be enough room on the trigger assembly to trim away at it so the thing will sit flat with that added trimpot on there. You'll need to desolder the LT POT to get the assembly off there.

Make sure they didn't jack up that bottom solder pad at the LT POT lead also, as having that one open would cause no voltage get to the POT and that would cause an LT always pressed issue.


I'll try to trim the plastic a little bit and check the solder pad.

Also do you have any recommendations good analog replacements?

Finally did the job:
I removed some plastic material from the LT mechanism with a dremel tool and it was a perfect fit.

Controller is working 100% but the analogs are pretty bad.

Thanks again.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2024, 08:34:24 AM by Hlid »


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