Author Topic: Xbox One controller 1708 wont sync to console.  (Read 254 times)

Offline sidgallup

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Xbox One controller 1708 wont sync to console.
« on: February 07, 2025, 06:13:33 AM »
I was give this controller model 1708, using USB cable it works perfectly on PC and Xbox, viia bluetooth it works perfectly on my Android phone, however it wont sync wirelessly to my Xbox, its not the console since i have another controller same exact model and that one works fine wirelessly.

Ive tried brand new batteries that work with my other 1708 controller, tried some tricks ive seen on youtube and other forums, like turning off the console with the controller plugged in and pressing X button to turn it on, updating the firmware and still nothing works, my suspicion is whatever handles the signal from the controller to the console is fried, something on the bluetooth PCB and i dont know where to start to try and fix it.

Is there a way to test if this controller is sending the signal to the console?


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