Yea, I guess if I would have typed in "lame", and "not what was originally posted" this might have come up...
I read through this thread, and you can clearly see step by step photos for modding, not this BS, pretty colors and lights crap...
anyone with elementary flash or HTML knowledge could have created something like this...What was the point of all this "Beta" testing?? just to get this???
I hope that there is a real version of this out there, because it looks super helpful. I know it would cut the duplicate threads down, if people could just try things out and not mess up their psp...just to come post problems that could have been avoided in the first place with a little bit of "no consequence trial and error modding" (I believe that this was the original goal, was it not?)
Good... no, Great idea, but if this is the end result I think you fell mighty short of your goal
All just my opinion though, and we all know opinions are like armpit's. Everyone's got two, and they both stink...