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M33 Firmwares [Updated 9/24]

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To keep the clutter down for every M33 firmware update, whenever theres a new update or w/e ill add it in the first post, someone just post the changelog or w/e and it will be added. Any talk bout new releases be kept here.

3.71 M33 (9/23)


* Now uses 3.71
* VSH Menu is not longer launched using HOME key, but using SELECT now. This is to not interfere with the XMB function of home, which is now more useful in this firmware.
* Psp Slim: umdcache was allocating memory even when homebrew was launched, wasting memory that homebrew programs may want to use. Now umdcache module is stopped before it can allocate any memory, only in the case homebrew is launched.
* Also, memory is unprotected for user memory usage by M33 core (only when homebrew is launched).
* Developer, for a sample of how to use the extra memory, see the extra ram sample of the M33 sdk.
* Both version boot now from 3.XX ipl, and are independent of 1.50.

Important to note would be the following:

* The main installer will not install 1.50 kernel anymore.
* A 1.50 kernel addon for 3.71 M33 that will install inside 3.71 M33 will be released in a few days (for fat only)
* due to some changes in kernel nids by Sony, you can expect a lot of kernel plugins not working anymore.
* Programmers: refer to the sdk readme for details.

Easy Installer: Download Here!

3.52 M33-4 (8/20)

Changes in M33-4 (mainly bugfix)

* Fixed the bug that caused CRC error when writing to flash usb in the XMB. Now writing is OK.
* Added the new speeds to vshmenu and core, because we forgot in recovery.

Also, a few notes from Team M33:

* As we didnn't want to release a new update without something new, we worked in making 3.10/3.11 to work with popsloader, and that's it, the new popsloader plugins supports them.
* Instruction for 3.10 and 3.11 are same as 3.30: you need pops.prx, popsman.prx and pafmini.prx with the correct names in popsloader directory. And remember that savedata of 3.10-3.30 are incompatiblewith those of 3.40+. We'll research if a solution for this is possible.

Download Here!
Note:Team M33 has put a password on this update and it is:
(Case sensitive)

3.52 M33-3 (8/19)


* Added more speeds: 75 and 133.
* Added flash2 and flash3 usb to recovery
* Added a setting in recovery to change the usb device to which XMB will connect.
* Added "vshmenu", which is a menu that will appear when HOME is pressed in the XMB. It will interfere with existing
* XMB plugins that use HOME, so it can be disabled in recovery.
* - Added umd video iso support. The umd video isos are playes using vshmenu. Video isos go in
* /ISO/VIDEO folder. They require an UMD inserted because NO-UMD does not work.

Changes in popsloader:

* Support for 3.30 firmware. Instructions are same as in previous release, except 3.30
* firmware did not have libpspvmc.prx, so just ignore that file.
* Warning: There is an incompatibility between 3.30 savedata and later ones. If a savedata exists from 3.40+, the emulator will freeze.

A few notes from the M33 team about vshmenu and UMD video ISOs:

* vshmenu cannot be loaded when the browser is active. If you exit the browser, the firmware will still keep it in memory until you enter other area of xmb, until you do so, you will not be able to access vshmenu again either.
* video isos and the game isos show in xmb use the same core. Due to this, when you enter in game menu and there is some iso, if a video iso was currently mounted, it will automatically be unmounted.
* cso format is not supported for video isos.
* UMD audio isos are theoretically supported, but not tested. They go to /ISO/VIDEO.

Download Here!

Plugin (08/10)

its 2 new additions to m33 the first, making it so recovery mode looks just as awesome as the 3.40 LE recovery the next, so you can access it in the XMB using 'R and select'

noah03ark - i have installed and tried it out finding that it freezes in configuration and advanced menu modes hopefully there will soon be a fix for it, but as of now its pretty freaking sweet!


Ill test it and see how it works when I get back home from a family event thing. Just a small update.

3.52 M33-2 (07/30)


- Document.dat of psx games were broken due to some important changes in popsman.prx and now is fixed. Plus, now document.dat does not need the same gameid as game which is played.

- The compatibility issue with irshell loading psx games in usbhost/nethost has been solved.
- Changes in recovery:

1. Removed the advanced config option "use isofs on UMD inserted", as it is not useful now.
2. Added "Format flash1 and restore settings" in Advanced.
3. Added speeds 20 and 100.
4. When in usb mode inside recovery, it is impossible to turn PSP off.
- The chineses and korean languages did not work in XMB, because they crashed homebrew and recovery.The issue has been fixed, but korean font is not there, so you need to take it with psardumper from official updater, and put it in flash0:/font/kr0.pgf.

- M33 driver: fixed SBK07, now it work.

With this release we also a plugin to load pops from 3.40, 3.51, and 3.52. The plugin works in 3.51 M33 and 3.52 M33. In 3.51 M33 you won't see option "3.51", and in 3.52 M33 you won't see option "3.52" (use original from flash for same firmware).

Copy seplugins to the root of the memory stick. Extract the following prx of a firmware:  /kd/popsman.prx, /kd/pops.prx, /vsh/modules/libpspvmc.prx and /vsh/modules/pafmini.prx and copy them to /seplugins/popsloader/ with names like popsman3XX, pops3XX.prx, libpspvmc3XX.prx, pafmini3XX.prx, where XX is 40, 51, or 52. Activate the plugin in recovery and done! First time you run a game, it will let you choose pops version. Next time will remember configuration for each game; press R to change it. The plugin doesn't apply to psn games.

Team M33

Download -

i already posted this..  :cry2:

Yes I know but this is just the most up to date firmware posted and I believe I got the info from your thread. Like I said in the beginning, this is just to keep all the different topic clutter down to a minimum.

ok sorry for bumping an old thread but ive never used m33 before,im used to 3.52m33 up. 2 the most recent one?
and is using seplugins the same?recovery the same(hold r at startup)? can i used CIntro?cwcheat?
customizing i know you can do,i have the theme from "xmb icons" thread link.just overwrite the files just like 3.40oea right?

just making sure i wont brick when i get this(even with pandora unbricker!)

im using 3.52m33 update 2,so far no prob.... :tup:


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