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wii stand mod

(1/2) > >>

ok fort i would try summat on the stand seems as i am getting a new on this is just summat simple so it isnt so plane  its just one led to light the clear plastic part up the led runs of the usb poweer here is a few pictures what ya think

simple but looks nice

I love edge glowing stuff.It's pretty cool ya know.I want to do this too but I'm really lazy + I w8 for my stuff to arrive so I can go on with my very best wii mod.

that looks madd nice lethal keep it up  :tup:

just like what i did for my underglow,just stick leds(or in my case led boards) and wire it up to any old usp cable and plug it in!i lost my clear stand thingy tho lol that would be awesome with underglow!

looks good keep it up


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