
Acid Mods Community Area => Competitions & Mod Offs => Community Created Competitions => Topic started by: spurgurgle on December 11, 2013, 03:21:42 AM

Title: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: spurgurgle on December 11, 2013, 03:21:42 AM
SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off

Hi guys i came up with this idea (, Thought it would be cool if a bunch of us mod some new controllers.... I've not been around modding for some time. so its about time i made my self a new pad.

Me and a couple of other guys have decided to have a mod off while doing it... this is a very open type of comp. no set in concrete rules (rules to follow) just modders having fun making kickass controllers.

atm there is no prize fund.... but some people have offered to donate a prize's and so will i.... not sure what yet...

if you want to join  follow these steps.
-post saying that your joining on this thread with a link to your controller thread. (the controller thread will be in the correct forum ie 360 controller threads in the 360 controller section ps in ps.......)
-pm me a link to your thread.

simple ay.....

Basic rules

-start date ---- Now
-end date ---- feb 2014... (give us just over 2 months. should be more then enough time to plan buy n build anything....not set in concrete)
-must have a simple worklog showing off your mod and how you made it.. ie good pics of the build process and finished controller.
- a video of the finished working controller showing your AM profile and something with a date on it... (pc screen) so we knows its new and its defently you
-entrys can mod any controller they want in any way they want..... i just want to see your best....

thats the basics of it... i can edit this thread with more rules and what not at later dates....

So as you no this is a unofficial comp as in not hosted by acidmods. if anythign im the host... but being only me there is not going to be a proper prize, (any prizes there are will be donated by the AM community, so they are not definate prizes....)

Prize fund so far....

-1st and 2nd place prizes are being donated by kingmike  :#1:
-3rd place will be our other donation from gizmo613 a pulsevu 2x and any other small donated prizes from me.....
-Bragging rights
- "spurgurgles controller mod off 1st/2nd/3rd place" sigs (if anyone from the arts team feels like making them???)


If you want to enter. make a thread in your chosen controllers forum area and PM a link to it, so i can included it in this thread. Also click entrants name for the full thread.

-Spurgurgle (me) - X360 Controller redesign (,43214.0.html)
-DrummerDude - X360 Controller Redesign *complete: 6th Jan* (,43216.0.html)
-Modded Matt - X360 Viking scuff Hybrid *complete: 16th Dec* (,43223.0.html)
-1TONpete - X360 GOW ragnarok (,43227.msg323132.0.html)
-GhoSt - X360 controller Variegation RGB *complete: 31st Jan* (,43230.msg323136.0.html)
-white 4nd n3rdy - X1 spinback controller *complete: 21st Jan* (,43237)

This Compition is not hosted, sponsored or affiliated with Acidmods other then the fact its in the "community comp section" of there forum. I am the host and cannont take responability for any damage you cause to your controller or if any prizes get lost in the post. all prizes are donations from the comunity for the comunity. Everyone have fun modding

ps could a admin sticky this topic for me????

and also any entrants making controller thread, dont call them "spurgurgles mod off entry bla bla bla".... give it a cool name like "spurgurgles controller redesign x2"
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: KingMike_OS on December 11, 2013, 02:08:40 PM
I get you guys some cool prizes , so I take care of the first Place and 2nd place
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: spurgurgle on December 11, 2013, 03:40:01 PM
wicked cheers mike

so first and 2nd are covered by mike and 3rd is coverd by the donated prizes

ill up date the main post.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: Gizmo613 on December 11, 2013, 06:07:26 PM
Alwayz Some Cool Prizes When Kingmike Is Around. Sweet!!
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: GhoSt on December 11, 2013, 08:32:54 PM
Wicked, that timeline gives me plenty off room to restock on my modding goods (Haven't done anything in what seems like years). I wont be starting for a while, but count me in once I get some supplies.
No reason not to get in on this guys, even if you are not the best modder and probably wont win (like me), its a chance to show off a little of what you can do.
Btw spurg we don't really have an active art team :S.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: spurgurgle on December 12, 2013, 02:31:42 AM
Wicked, that timeline gives me plenty off room to restock on my modding goods (Haven't done anything in what seems like years).
Btw spurg we don't really have an active art team :S.

yeah i thought as much.......... lol
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: toadzilla on December 12, 2013, 03:39:17 PM

yeah i thought as much.......... lol
im not exactly the best artist but being art team leader(at least i believe) ill see what i can pip up since im the only one semi active as well i might actually join this depending on my hours at work
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: snowcolt17 on December 12, 2013, 04:11:02 PM
so... um is there anyone in this? O.o im in if i can find the time between work and sleeping lol
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: spurgurgle on December 13, 2013, 02:18:46 AM
so... um is there anyone in this? O.o im in if i can find the time between work and sleeping lol

theres seems to have been a good response so far seen as though its only been annouced for 3-4 days.....

i think people who siad they will (maybe) enter are

-me (spurgurgle

so not bad for under a week.......
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: Modded Matt on December 13, 2013, 07:03:43 AM
I just realized we did not have the official annual winter mod off. 
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: toadzilla on December 13, 2013, 08:25:41 AM
I just realized we did not have the official annual winter mod off.
old age creeping up the memory loss :P     spurg i may join dpending on finaces
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: Rodent on December 13, 2013, 12:49:01 PM
I just realized we did not have the official annual winter mod off.
cause the other mod off we had ran late and we were all busy 

old age creeping up the memory loss :P     spurg i may join dpending on finaces
yea just remember that Toad cause its coming your way faster then you think  "OLD AGE"
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: 1TONpete on December 14, 2013, 04:06:05 AM
I think I'm going to get in too. I actually have to build some kind of controller for my kids. Maybe a pair.
My kids have outgrown the arcade sticks. They only have dpad for movement. I got them skylanders for christmas as well as young justice. Both require left analog so.... into my pile of parts to put together something before christmas.
Parts bin is overflowing though.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: spurgurgle on December 14, 2013, 04:14:11 AM
good to see you join, dont forget to start your thread in the correct controller section and send me the link so i can add you to the entrants list....

and all i ask of any entrant is to produce a half decent work log, so we have something to guage the quality of the mods on and a interesting thread to look through
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: snowcolt17 on December 15, 2013, 01:09:45 PM
im going to try my best to join. im off on sundays and mondays now, i get paid next thursday so i can start collecting parts. i hope i can make it.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: Modded Matt on December 15, 2013, 04:02:44 PM
Here is the bar boys..,43223.msg323085/topicseen.html#new (,43223.msg323085/topicseen.html#new)
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: spurgurgle on December 15, 2013, 04:20:03 PM
thats a pretty high bar

nice entry matt ive added you to the entrants list in the first post
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: GhoSt on December 15, 2013, 07:31:56 PM
thats a pretty high bar

Agreed, going to need a running start to even tap that bar with the top of my head.

The post for my controller, or at least a place holder for where it will be., (,
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: WHITE 4ND N3RDY on December 21, 2013, 11:50:34 AM
Im going to step up and join this mod off! I planned on doing a XboxOne controller any how. Im waiting on my supplies to arrive through mail to begin my build. As stated above I will create a link in the appropriate thread then PM spurgurgle that link. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. I just hope I can hang with the big dogs on this one lol.  :x:
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: Gizmo613 on December 21, 2013, 01:05:19 PM
since i didn't finish my mod off from the last competition, is it alright if i use the same parts from that mod off? it will be a completely different design altogether. Let me know before i start making my thread.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: spurgurgle on December 21, 2013, 03:32:07 PM
white snd nerdy i've added you to the entrants list

since i didn't finish my mod off from the last competition, is it alright if i use the same parts from that mod off? it will be a completely different design altogether. Let me know before i start making my thread.

i dont see why not unless anyone else disagrees?

my entries seem to be being a big PITA the wireless intermitantly press either of the bumber buttons......

and the legt trigger on the wired is being odd and half pressing it's self.. think ima going to swap it out for a different pot.....
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: GhoSt on January 03, 2014, 04:32:39 PM
Don't forget about your controllers guys :), just under a month left.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: spurgurgle on January 05, 2014, 09:11:03 AM
my controllers are on hold atm..... need more hot glue n spray paint..... but not sure if i canfinsh them as ive broken my hand.....oops
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: WHITE 4ND N3RDY on January 21, 2014, 06:19:39 PM
I have a noob question. Does anyone know how judging will be held? Is there going to be some voting post for members to vote on their favorite controller? The month almost up so I was wondering if anyone has given this any thought?

Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: Gizmo613 on January 21, 2014, 06:42:13 PM
Thats A Good Question. lol
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: WHITE 4ND N3RDY on January 28, 2014, 07:04:01 AM
3 more days to finish up controllers. So far its just Matt, drummerdude and I. I hope ghost & spurgurgle can finish before the deadline ends.

Still no word on how the judging will be held lol. It would be pretty lame if only 3 people finish. Good luck everyone and I hope you get your controllers done!
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: spurgurgle on January 28, 2014, 12:16:33 PM
I have a noob question. Does anyone know how judging will be held? Is there going to be some voting post for members to vote on their favorite controller? The month almost up so I was wondering if anyone has given this any thought?

we'll open up a new thread with a public poll for people to vote

and also i think ill extendedthis comp by a month as you said only 3 people have finished there pads... it is only a casual comp anway (no set in concrete dates...) i said it would end in feb notthe start of feb (depending on how people were getting on .....

and like me with my broken hand..... i still dont have much use with it and will be in my support for at least 3 more weeks with another 2-3 weeks of therepy after that........

so unless anyone disagree well say end of feb early march fo the final voting (i'd rather extended it and have more poeple finish then only the 3 of you......)
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: GhoSt on January 31, 2014, 03:27:00 PM
Ok, so I updated the first post to show all the finished entry's (4/6 entry's is actually rather good).
Spurgurgle proposed an extension of the end date, since it's his competition he has final say over the rules.

Anyway make sure to have a look at everyone's hard work.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: Modded Matt on January 31, 2014, 04:04:35 PM
I may have to withdraw from any type of voting. I built that controller for a cusromer and sent it to him awhile ago. He loves it. I dont mind if u extend it or not.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: Gizmo613 on January 31, 2014, 06:47:47 PM
I Agrre With The Extension.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: WHITE 4ND N3RDY on February 02, 2014, 02:41:40 PM
Im fine with this extending till the end of February. I want to do another build and I wanted to ask if I can summit it in place of my current build? Im awaiting parts in the mail and as for my current entry I had no direction on where to go with it and through my build till after it was done I feel plagued with coulda shoulda scenarios.

If I can summit my new project I can show everyone that I can do so much better. I have a set plan in my head and I have every move mapped out. I will incorporate a lot more technical aspects of the build and work to make the cosmetics of my build not look so amateurish! Ive been doing my homework and if you will allow me to do a new entry I can show everyone that I can do soo much more.

Of course I understand this will void my current entry. Im not going to lie ether, this will jeopardize my chances of finishing on time substantially. I truly feel though that I can do it in the set time and present a awesome one of a kind gamer friendly controller.

If anyone in the competition has a problem with this ill just go with my current build submission. If you will allow me to start over I will show everyone some truly rad and innovative ideas I have planned!

Let me know if this is a problem as time is of the essence for me!
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: GhoSt on February 02, 2014, 03:23:02 PM
I don't see how that would be a problem, go ahead, and anyone else is still free to join if they can finish something by the end of feb.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: 3D0kassiah on February 02, 2014, 07:28:49 PM
yeah i don't think it'll be issue if you submit your entry late in the game as long as you can prove it is in fact your work by submitting a somewhat of a work log
i mean just because a guy buy his lotto ticket 5 mins before the drawing does not mean he wont get the prize if he wins correct?

mod on  :tup:
 i for one am excited about all these entry's as they are badass that is why i will not be voting

Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: GhoSt on March 01, 2014, 09:12:07 PM
Well the extension period is over. No word from spurg since his injury hope he is ok.

Either way this competition still produced some bad-ass controllers.
Title: Re: SpurGurGle's unofficial controller mod off
Post by: WHITE 4ND N3RDY on March 01, 2014, 09:25:28 PM
Agreed! I'm curious to see how it all works out. Seems the key players have been absent for a while and am curious to see what comes of this all. Hopefully it does not end in a fall out lol. Everyone did a awesome job and voting will be tough for everyone.
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