
Acidmods Gaming Area => Console Games => Xbox 360 Gaming => Topic started by: Reaper on December 22, 2007, 10:42:11 AM

Title: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: Reaper on December 22, 2007, 10:42:11 AM
Any takers, I wanna play some co-op!
Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: Reaper on December 25, 2007, 04:35:03 PM
anyone out there?
Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: simcityltd on December 26, 2007, 07:52:51 AM
ok, i might buy guitar hero, when i do.

i will give u a nudge on msn :)
Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: Reaper on December 26, 2007, 11:09:29 AM
ok, i might buy guitar hero, when i do.

i will give u a nudge on msn :)

You better, it's freaking awesome.
Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: FreeK on January 01, 2008, 10:14:40 AM
if you want i can play some more with you over this weekend maybe, depends if my friend wants me to come over or not.... welll see what happens

off topic-
im getting my new computer soon so illproblly be getting my own LIVE and ill give my gamertag once i get it
i have one but it has not time or anything so ill problly start over from the start w/ something new
Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: MARIOPARTY53 on January 01, 2008, 03:00:52 PM
ME, but what do you play on? I play medium-hard

gamer tag?


Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: IndyChav on January 30, 2008, 06:54:26 AM
I need to get live so i can woop you all =P j/ks

Bloc Party - Helicopter *expert-5star* challengers?
Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: Reaper on January 30, 2008, 03:04:53 PM
I need to get live so i can woop you all =P j/ks

Bloc Party - Helicopter *expert-5star* challengers?

My specialty is Stricken and 3's and 7's  almost full combo'd both of em...
Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: IndyChav on January 30, 2008, 04:22:20 PM
nice, stricken pwned me soo hard on expert i nearly cried o_O
Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: _mrblonde_ on February 13, 2008, 05:12:53 AM
Reaper i will definetly play with you.

i have been looking for someone to play it with since i got it a few months back.

searching for players on the game takes the  :censored:

my gamertag is


Title: Re: Looking for Guitar Hero 3 for 360 owners to jam with over LIVE!
Post by: Rory on March 03, 2008, 06:04:15 AM
nice, stricken pwned me soo hard on expert i nearly cried o_O

We all know you suck at GH3.
Even I can beat you, I've only had GH3 since christmas, I haven't played any GH before that. I can do all the songs but Raining Blood on Hard, and I got to the set with "The Metal" in on Expert. I pwned Indy though. He blamed my Wii O_o.

Would play against you, but I don't have the 360 version. When 1 of my friends gets it i will look you up ;), even though you would kick my ass.... :P
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