Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: lilcrzytimmy on December 25, 2007, 12:15:47 AM
well yea that the question, WHY? cuz imma get the deep red psp. prolly.
heres the story.
my :censored: sister stole my psp when i told her NO when she asked to let hwer borrow it for canada trip. the last time she borrowed my psp, i foudn it on the floor, YES THE FLOOR, with three scratches on it. hioping that he followed my direction on line, which i stated DO NO PLACE IT ON A TABLE WITH it in or on the pouch, and do not let anythign thats hard touch it beside yours hands. did she follow it, NO, i recieved it back with the whole back :censored: scratched up. IT MAKES ME SOOO :censored: piss. two rweason to be piss,. the psp is scracthes up, like ten buillion gaillizon scratches on the ring and on the battery cover, some on the front but i dont give a damn cuz of screen protect. the other reason, she doesnt listen to me, and she noes how i am with scratches, especially on glossy surface and cars. next time ill hide it. i intended to but didnt think i would leave before her.
my payback, ill :censored: her lil :censored: iphone. crap on it, and flush it down the toilet. GOD, why dont ppl listen these days. so retarded, simple instruction yet, they dont even follow it. URGH.
ok, so get a red one then and take her iphone and throw it across the street
your gonna need to do more than throw it, theyre pretty scratch resistant.
Rub it against some bricks for 5 mins should do it.
sooo, are they reliable. i wouldnt wanna get tricked., i got it from this site, but not so sdure. 210 for a deep red is a good buy considering i got mine fore 200 and it cost like 30 buckls more than the msrp (japan's 19800 is approximately 165)
I would buy from playasia. They are more reliable and they sell the deep red for $299.
yea i had already bought from playasia before and they are okay. i order from them three times and the third time, really really bad service. the second time was okay, but ths one is my last. i called them like 10 tens for my order. i ordered a case for the psp slim in blue and it has been about a month and a half. they dont reply quicklly and it causes me to call, so im not gonna deal wiht them on this again.
even if i woudl buy from them, 300 is expenisve, toysnjoy have it for 210 shipped. i only bought my felilcia blue fore 210, and anything thats not really limited, im not willing to pay more than 230.
i googled them and ppl say they have bad customker services but one man said if you call them and ask if you can procss it right away after your order, its better. but im still not convinced.