
Acid Mods Community Area => Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: FreeK on January 28, 2008, 11:30:20 AM

Title: html tips
Post by: FreeK on January 28, 2008, 11:30:20 AM
ok, in school im starting a webpage design class, we are starting html now, and maybe javascrpit later

i was wondering if anyone can give me some tips so i can be a bit of a helper in my class

a few questions though

how to add:

thats it, for now, ill post more as i get them

btw, this is posted here cuz i didnt know if it should be in programming or not, so move if needed

700th post!!!
Title: Re: html tips
Post by: decy90 on January 28, 2008, 01:20:44 PM
ok this is how you put an image onto your page:

<img src = "jim.gif" align="right">

the first bit (,img src ="jim.gif) is where your page will get your pic and what its looking for

The second (align="right">) is obviously where u want it aligned on the right left center etc...

And for videos:

This is how you embed them ... i think ,the end bit is either true or false as to whether it starts automatically i think

and the link to the video is:

<A HREF="MYVIDEO.MPG">Look at the Video[/url]

the "look at the video" bit is what they will be clicking on to get to it, and the <A HREF and [/url] is starting and ending the hyperlink make sure to put this in :D

peace out  :victory:

EDIT these should work but i suggest you test them before helpin out in class, i just remembered them from my HTML classes lol
Title: Re: html tips
Post by: PspKicks316 on January 28, 2008, 01:36:29 PM
To add text put
<p>your text here</p>

Bold is <B></B> italics is <I></I> and underlined is <U></U> IN lowercase LETTERS.

Different color font:
<font color="#XXxxxx"></font>
The "#XXxxxx" is the hexadecimal color code.

To put something in but not embed it, you put <noembed>your html things code here</noembed>

I don't know left and right...I tested <left>and <right> and neither work XD

To add music you put
<embed src="link to music here" width=xxx height=xx autostart=true(or false) loop=true(or false)>
Title: Re: html tips
Post by: decy90 on January 28, 2008, 01:42:32 PM
Decy its not [/url] that's bbc. Html would be </url>.
To add text put
<p>your text here</p>

Bolt is italics is and underlined is .

To add music you put
<embed src="filename.mid" width=xxx height=xx autostart=true(or false) loop=true(or false)>

Ah poo sorry lmao two symbols off, i think it was a good attempt hehe

oh um also ... if you wanna out your items in a groupbox i believe it is <fieldset> before the text/item and </fieldset> after it, the html basics are pretty simple tbh

edit:  um im trying to change the [/URL] thing in edit but it says that is is actually < /A> i thing the forum is seeing our code and trying to use it for something lol your underlined stuff is messed up
Title: Re: html tips
Post by: PspKicks316 on January 28, 2008, 02:12:11 PM
Yea,seems it.I'll update my first post with more off the top of my head, I'm teaching myself the basics right now hehe.
Title: Re: html tips
Post by: decy90 on January 28, 2008, 02:13:31 PM
Yea,seems it.I'll update my first post with more off the top of my head, I'm teaching myself the basics right now hehe.

yea i might make a page that you can save and open with internet explorer explaining some of the basics

might take me a while as im playing xbox hehehehe
Title: Re: html tips
Post by: FreeK on January 29, 2008, 03:03:09 PM
ok, thx guys, ill problly get more questions as i go in this class seeing as its a half year class from what ik

thx for the answers
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