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=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: FreeK on January 28, 2008, 11:30:20 AM
ok, in school im starting a webpage design class, we are starting html now, and maybe javascrpit later
i was wondering if anyone can give me some tips so i can be a bit of a helper in my class
a few questions though
how to add:
thats it, for now, ill post more as i get them
btw, this is posted here cuz i didnt know if it should be in programming or not, so move if needed
700th post!!!
ok this is how you put an image onto your page:
<img src = "jim.gif" align="right">
the first bit (,img src ="jim.gif) is where your page will get your pic and what its looking for
The second (align="right">) is obviously where u want it aligned on the right left center etc...
And for videos:
This is how you embed them ... i think ,the end bit is either true or false as to whether it starts automatically i think
and the link to the video is:
<A HREF="MYVIDEO.MPG">Look at the Video[/url]
the "look at the video" bit is what they will be clicking on to get to it, and the <A HREF and [/url] is starting and ending the hyperlink make sure to put this in :D
peace out :victory:
EDIT these should work but i suggest you test them before helpin out in class, i just remembered them from my HTML classes lol
To add text put
<p>your text here</p>
Bold is <B></B> italics is <I></I> and underlined is <U></U> IN lowercase LETTERS.
Different color font:
<font color="#XXxxxx"></font>
The "#XXxxxx" is the hexadecimal color code.
To put something in but not embed it, you put <noembed>your html things code here</noembed>
I don't know left and right...I tested <left>and <right> and neither work XD
To add music you put
<embed src="link to music here" width=xxx height=xx autostart=true(or false) loop=true(or false)>
Decy its not [/url] that's bbc. Html would be </url>.
To add text put
<p>your text here</p>
Bolt is italics is and underlined is .
To add music you put
<embed src="filename.mid" width=xxx height=xx autostart=true(or false) loop=true(or false)>
Ah poo sorry lmao two symbols off, i think it was a good attempt hehe
oh um also ... if you wanna out your items in a groupbox i believe it is <fieldset> before the text/item and </fieldset> after it, the html basics are pretty simple tbh
edit: um im trying to change the [/URL] thing in edit but it says that is is actually < /A> i thing the forum is seeing our code and trying to use it for something lol your underlined stuff is messed up
Yea,seems it.I'll update my first post with more off the top of my head, I'm teaching myself the basics right now hehe.
Yea,seems it.I'll update my first post with more off the top of my head, I'm teaching myself the basics right now hehe.
yea i might make a page that you can save and open with internet explorer explaining some of the basics
might take me a while as im playing xbox hehehehe
ok, thx guys, ill problly get more questions as i go in this class seeing as its a half year class from what ik
thx for the answers