
Acid Mods Community Area => Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: MattZani on February 11, 2008, 10:51:25 AM

Title: Custom Firmware
Post by: MattZani on February 11, 2008, 10:51:25 AM
Do YOU run modified firmware on any of your devices?
If you do why? (Nothing Illegal)
If you don't why?
Do you think that its weird if you dont?


Right, im not running any kind of modified firmware on my devices, all official, and i'll explain why

1) PSP - Before 3.71 all i used CFW for was themes, i never ran homebrew etc. because i had no need for it, then remote play arrived on the PS3 with remote start up with Fw 2.00, and that Needed 3.80 to link up, and as CFW is always atleast a week after official, i couldnt stand the time i couldnt hook my PSP upto my PS3, and besides, all need to run CFW was gone because i could use official themes.

2) iPod Touch - I havent Jailbroken my iPod touch because i like the features it does now, and i dont think i would use any homebrew anyway, and for now i really like the theme on the touch, so dont want to change that either. Also the SKU is coming out soon so people can develop for the touch and release programs that dont need custom firmware to run, so if i ever do want a cool feature, it will eventually come to official.

Whats your opinions? Also, please vote so we can see what percentage of the AM community do and dont run CFW.
Title: Re: Custom Firmware
Post by: lewson on February 11, 2008, 10:54:29 AM
i only have psp on 3.90m33
Title: Re: Custom Firmware
Post by: Barshalen on February 11, 2008, 11:24:02 AM
if I can hack something I will >.> I tried my cell phone when i had it, then it got stolen...have three psps, all have cfw., and installed linux on my xbox... if i ever get an itouch/iphone, I will def hack it.
Title: Re: Custom Firmware
Post by: MaO on February 11, 2008, 11:54:08 AM
i got CF on my psp, there are a lot of cool homebrew programs out there
Title: Re: Custom Firmware
Post by: robin1989 on February 11, 2008, 02:41:04 PM
yup i will usually try to hack anything i can with cfw even if its not mine. i.e touches and iphones in the apple shop, psp's in selfridges and M&S. i put linux on my pc and i burned a load of linux cd's and put them in machines at toys r us and booted them from cd
Title: Re: Custom Firmware
Post by: ra1n on February 11, 2008, 02:49:29 PM
A psp running 3.80m33 cause:
1. I can
2. got a cool flash theme on it
3. homebrews
4. homebrew calculator for school >.>
5. something to show off :D
Title: Re: Custom Firmware
Post by: IndyChav on February 11, 2008, 04:05:46 PM
As others I hack any software I can to best utilize its full capabilities. Simple as :winker:
Title: Re: Custom Firmware
Post by: FreeK on February 11, 2008, 05:12:35 PM
yep and nope psp, need pandora  currently running 3.80OFW
2.ipod jailbreak, before- yes, now-no, i had to restore and forgot to not update fw, so now, 1.1.3
3.ipod video 60gb, yes, rockbox, and linux, and OFW, fun to play around with seeing as i bought it for $5, and its earphone plug and hold switch dont work cuz the cable snapped
Title: Re: Custom Firmware
Post by: Luke on February 14, 2008, 02:59:05 AM
ds runds firmwares? i thought they didnt :S but yeh my psp runs 3.80 m33
Title: Re: Custom Firmware
Post by: phenomenal on February 14, 2008, 09:06:42 AM
i have custom firmware on my psp so i can play backed up games, i can play homebrew, i can use the psp to its full potential and best of all, i bring it to school and when we watch tv, i change the channel or turn it off while everybody is watching and nobody suspects me either, because all i have is a psp (i done this in blocbuster too, ahh good times).
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