Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: MattZani on February 27, 2008, 08:17:10 AM
God of War PSP Entertainment Pack
In June, a new PSP Entertainment Pack will be hitting stores, featuring the famous face of the Ghost of Sparta — Kratos. Here’s what you get in the bundle, which will be available for $199.99 (MSRP):
* Limited-Edition “Deep Red” PSP with Kratos silkscreened on the back
* God of War: Chains of Olympus
* Superbad on UMD video
* Voucher to download Syphon Filter: Combat Ops from PLAYSTATION Store for free
God of War: Chains of Olympus still arrives for PSP on March 4, 2008.
I am picking one of these bad boys up, it looks hawter than the normal deep red, its LE, and its God Of War, all for $200!
Quick update, its not Deep Red, its just Red, which is probably why it looks better.
Well anything with a bundled in Game will eventually end, fine, i suppose its special edition.
strangely enough i think i actually want patapon more then god of war... i have both demos and i think i enjoyed patapon more. i will still get GOW but i think im gonna enjoy patapon more. (i would have it right now but all sotres where i live are surprisingly out of stock) and i realy dont see the difference between this adn the deep red model other than the silk screen...
im going to smack down 200 for this psp cant wait till its out reallu nice
I still think that GoW PSP on Ebay looked TONS better!
If I can find enough money to buy this I will. :dribble:
Lame... my Deep Red PSP is now not so special...
Oh, and it's probably just a name difference. That PSP's color is probably exactly the same as my Deep Red. Although I luckily don't have the graphic on the back.
No, its a brighter nicer red, i compared the sony render pics.
i'm not ganna wait till june for this game!!!!!! I can't wait till march 4th
anybody else thinks that march 4th should be military day???
the deep red slims are a bit too red for me. :help:
a brighter red huh? seems to me it would be cost effective to just use the same red cases and add the graphic.
And I love my deep red psp. when i get back to the states i'm doing a red led trigger mod :tup: I already moded my fat white japanese psp with a clear faceplate and 4 internal red leds wired to the hold switch.
Not Many people liked deep red, and I suppose this is supposed to be brighter or something
wow.... I'll better start saving for this, since I decided to send my silver psp slim to sony, which is a bad decision, they send me a refurbished one with lots of issues.. besides I like GOW and I l like red stuff, I wish They retain the the frame and ring in the way it was (the colors), and include mem. stick.. hehe anyway, what do you guys think will happen in the silver psp? will they sell as a core system??
p.s- I think they already stopped selling the starwars bundle...
its the same red. sony wouldnt spend extra money on a new shade of color.
they even say deep red in their quote by sony. (
Limited-Edition “Deep Red” PSP with Kratos silkscreened on the back
* God of War: Chains of Olympus
* Superbad on UMD video
* Voucher to download Syphon Filter: Combat Ops from PLAYSTATION Store for free
I hate sony for releasing this. it took me three weeks to get my deep red and now they are releasing it hear. i say it should be gold or bronze liek monster hunter with dark red trim and the omega sign where the ring is. it better be limited or else ill boycot them. hehe. im thinking mint green now. get my money back. X(
no, it is a different red.
Looks different and better to me.
no, it is a different red.
Looks different and better to me.
you do noe that that is photoshopped. not the real psp. my psp color doesnt match anything to the red psp without the silkscreen color. even look at renchi's psp picture. doesnt match.
plus you gotta compare the real psp which you dont have.
now see, my picture matches the psp the most. same red. nothing differen but the fulgy head.
who cares if its a different shade its red and it still looks kool :cool: but if the game is rated "m" dosent that mean we need an I.D. to buy the pack :eyebrow:
Well Kratos is sexy, i want his head on my PSP!
BTW does anyone noe if its Limited liek only avaliable for a limited amount of time liek the zelda and nintendog ds lite.
itll be perfect if it was a one day sale.
It will end eventually, but its a bundle, think Star Wars etc.
I think theyre making around 500,000 at first or something, they said half the batch of regular PSP's
It will end eventually, but its a bundle, think Star Wars etc.
I think theyre making around 500,000 at first or something, they said half the batch of regular PSP's
hmm, thats bad, star wars is still on sale.
how much will 500,000 psp will last?
not very long its a red psp with god of war its gonna sell fast
btw anybody played the demo yet ... :dribble:
i think its like 100,000 a month.
.. too long, ppl in my school gonna have em so i guess, its time to say goodbye. =/, ill see in apirl. if i like the matte bronze, ill get it. hehe.
materialistic, yea, obessive, YES.
not very long its a red psp with god of war its gonna sell fast
btw anybody played the demo yet ... :dribble:
I have the full game.
I have the full game.
my parents never buy me games i get them my self
i might get the full game when my friend goes to get god of war for ps2
his big bro has an ID and he wants me to let him borrow money to buy his game i still got enough to buy my game so i might get it this week when we all go :victory:
sweet im definetly gettin this. does anyone know if the backgrounds of the triggers are red or white? jus thinkin of doin a button swap with my darth vader white.
sweet im definetly gettin this. does anyone know if the backgrounds of the triggers are red or white? jus thinkin of doin a button swap with my darth vader white.
its gonna be red since the psp is the deep red psp version. Im tellign you ppl. its the SAME red. sony would not spend more money developing a new color with the only difference is its just a bit brighter. that is bad marketing.
btw, i got some pics on the mint green psp, courtesy of this dude on youtube who sent me more pics through email. and it looks nice. but not as nice as my red psp.
dat red iz hawt
not a big fan of GoW but that psp is sexy
i might have to come up with another 200 dollars for another psp
i like the silkscreens sony has done but i think they need to be more than just the battery cover
i wanna still the red trim and put it on my blak psp then sand my red chrome buttons to fit then add jewel with red leds and trigger leds red ... (all sound senstive) well thats on my list of mods to do
Luke101a's sig is god or war just incase you didnt know, although i removed the god of war thing using photoshop
I Guessed so, the image is the same.