
Acid Mods Community Area => Discussion Boards => Spam & Chat => Topic started by: phenomenal on February 28, 2008, 01:32:17 PM

Title: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on February 28, 2008, 01:32:17 PM
Ok, basically, i want to meet a few girls, so i can get a girlfriend, thing is, i don't want a girlfriend at school (bad, bad story).

Where is a good place to meet them? Like in person, not on the internet.

P.S:I ain't much of a 'player' in this world, yet. Thats why i need some advice. Also, chicks dig web/graphic designers, right?
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: dedafmonteur on February 28, 2008, 01:38:05 PM
a pub?
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: DubbleDutch on February 28, 2008, 01:55:51 PM
i meet girls when i go out

i'm usually a little bit drunk, xD contacting them is alot easier, when it was karnaval i had a little bit too much and when i got home i opend my fone and i got like 15 msn adresses and phone numbers from girls xD
that was a goooood night

I'm also not a player (you might think so because of the many adresses etc. but i'm not)
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: Skullmaster on February 28, 2008, 01:59:16 PM
hmm... I like girls! Try checking on chicks from your school maybe, if you really like one and see if they have a myspace and like send them a friend request and be like "oh, I didnt know you had a myspace!" and be all cute like or sometin... I'm not a dating pro so I'm just thinkin of random stuff
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: Rory on February 28, 2008, 02:04:09 PM
Believe it or not, I have alot of luck with my mates sister and her friends. They live like 20 miles away and come down here every weekend. They are all roughly the same age as me, i'm a young person in my year. August 27th, most of them just turned 17. I'm trying to get one of them.
Just, try and find a friend of a friend.
Or as Deda suggested, at a pub.

It isn't nessessary to have a girlfriend though, its always best to wait for the right person.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: decy90 on February 28, 2008, 02:44:56 PM
wait for the right person.

Best advice yet lol.. play the field get used to girls company and you'll eventually find someone you wanna be with .. and at your age 13 yea? it prob wont last long but thats k its all about gaining confidence and all that crap blah blah you know what i mean lol
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: Reaper on February 28, 2008, 03:06:55 PM
a pub?
thats the worst place to find em, unless you want a chick who drinks a lot...
also they never roam alone...
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: l0rdnic0 on February 28, 2008, 10:53:17 PM
Ok this may sound stupid, but if your looking for a good girl than try at a function that you have interest in. That way you can find a girl that shares the same interests as you… Or you can try Church or a Library.

Sorry Girls but IMO girls at bars and pubs have baggage. I met my wife at a party  :victory: I was good and drunk and told her that I liked a certain feature of her body, which got me slapped but I some how convinced her in my drunken stuper to see me again and two weeks later we were seeing each other  all the time.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: P3nnyw1se on February 28, 2008, 11:03:27 PM
hahaha, nice story nico, xD....:ROFL:
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on February 28, 2008, 11:25:59 PM
A pub? Im a bit too young though, but my dad doesnt go so I could never go with him.
Ok this may sound stupid, but if your looking for a good girl than try at a function that you have interest in. That way you can find a girl that shares the same interests as you… Or you can try Church or a Library.

Sorry Girls but IMO girls at bars and pubs have baggage. I met my wife at a party  :victory: I was good and drunk and told her that I liked a certain feature of her body, which got me slapped but I some how convinced her in my drunken stuper to see me again and two weeks later we were seeing each other  all the time.

Well, I have never seen a girl graphic designer (Except for ra!n, but she lives in america) so it could be a bit hard.

Although, a girl i want, i ain't really that picky about it,
Slightly better looking than average (Having one too hot, well other people will hit on her)
Not a slut, or anything like that (This one is obvious)
And has some intelligence, not stupid (Kinda obvious)
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: dedafmonteur on February 29, 2008, 02:22:40 AM
if you dont want a slut dont come to the netherlands...

you really have to search to find a nice one....

I found 2 nice girls....talking to them a lot
about: romantic stuff/love/songs   that stuff
one is allready going beyond that...

one problem....i am gay..LMAO...JK
the problem is i had a bad experience 6 years ago and that is why i dont have much friends....i am affraid to make friends...kinda
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on February 29, 2008, 07:09:20 AM
Where'd exactly you find them?

Ive been reading a few things but they say like coffee shops and stuff like that, but 'woman' go there, not 'girls'.

Like a girl 13-15 would hang around and prefebly without a huge crowd of girls (Like in-school)
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: lewson on February 29, 2008, 08:18:18 AM
Walk round town center or whatever you call it in London. i bet i got u started on this by sending you them pictures.  :rofl:
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on February 29, 2008, 08:45:46 AM
Walk round town center or whatever you call it in London. i bet i got u started on this by sending you them pictures.  :rofl:
Hmm, any tips on it? Like what i should say?

also, the pictures, not really, but i think its about time for me, also when reaper made me do something about it (He said get off the computer and get out there)

And thats what i'm going to do :)

go to abercrombie and fitch in london  :dribble:
Wheres that?
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: PvP_LostKnight on February 29, 2008, 09:18:19 AM
do what im doing and build a robo-girl. they dont complain at all
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: dedafmonteur on February 29, 2008, 09:59:33 AM
do what im doing and build a robo-girl. they dont complain at all

your allready that far?
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: ProperBritish on February 29, 2008, 11:26:45 AM
make a girl a MySpace layout, but only take it to her house on CD. Talk to her, about what she wants to talk about. Girls like good listeners.

PS - I r defo not a playa. boiii
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on February 29, 2008, 12:22:25 PM
make a girl a MySpace layout, but only take it to her house on CD. Talk to her, about what she wants to talk about. Girls like good listeners.

PS - I r defo not a playa. boiii
Good idea!

Hmm, although i need to find the girl first, thats the problem. But yeah, that could always be the first step for them to fall in love with me.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: dedafmonteur on February 29, 2008, 12:39:37 PM
Girls like sensitve guys....

make a nice pic or some like that
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: robin1989 on February 29, 2008, 02:07:01 PM
well when im on my way to the pub i see all the younger girls and lads about 13-16 all sat in the park sippin vodka and lambrini try there
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: ProperBritish on February 29, 2008, 02:10:46 PM
use your skills to make the girl feel really special. Theres my problem, my skills include:

Playing PS3
Bass Guitar
Modification of Games Consoles + Calculators
Some Web Coding

Title: Re: Girls
Post by: noah03ark on February 29, 2008, 02:59:55 PM
Girls like sensitve guys....

if that was true they'd be all over me
(i can cry on command)

at least from what i've seen they always like that stupid guy who keeps making fun of your gym shoes (and that guy was a real jackasse)
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: ra1n on February 29, 2008, 03:09:07 PM
Try the mall, duh
Girls like sensitve guys....

if that was true they'd be all over me
(i can cry on command)

at least from what i've seen they always like that stupid guy who keeps making fun of your gym shoes (and that guy was a real jackasse)
sensitive guy is one thing, a cry baby is another :D
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: Rory on February 29, 2008, 03:25:12 PM
As said by the second most girliest person on AM.
noah being the 1st XD lol jk.

Lol, i have no feelings, I have no hope :S cheers for making me feel better.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on February 29, 2008, 03:44:27 PM
Girls like sensitve guys....

make a nice pic or some like that

well when im on my way to the pub i see all the younger girls and lads about 13-16 all sat in the park sippin vodka and lambrini try there
Vodka? Sure it wasnt lemonade lol, err no illegal stuffs :(

use your skills to make the girl feel really special. Theres my problem, my skills include:

Playing PS3
Bass Guitar
Modification of Games Consoles + Calculators
Some Web Coding

My skills
 - Web design
 - Coding
 - Business
 - Drawing
Thats about it.

Probaly designing is the only thing girls will be interested in me.

Try the mall
Where abouts in the mall? (Also in uk we dont really have malls, well we do but only a few, but i can go to some)

Would i hang around there in the wallkways? Go into girl shops? Go the food places?

As said by the second most girliest person on AM.
noah being the 1st XD lol jk.

Lol, i have no feelings, I have no hope :S cheers for making me feel better.
Lemme guess, im 3rd?
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: robin1989 on February 29, 2008, 03:54:17 PM
im sure but a vary cheep 3 litre bottle of vodka - and the amount of times im asked to go in a shop and buy alcohol and :censored:s for them is unbelivable sometimes they even offer me money to do so
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: Reaper on February 29, 2008, 03:55:48 PM
My skills
 - Web design
 - Coding
 - Business
 - Drawing

Here's a serious question for yeah, and I'm not trying to put you down, but do you go out much/have IRL friends?
The reason is your "skills" aren't what a normal person seems to list for anythings other than a job interview, meaning those skills aren't going to get the attention of any girl other than older ones who will try to use you.
Even some girls like playing games..., plus games are fun! I know a ton of em that jam out on GH and such.
Also, try going to some school events and such, you're still young so no doubt they have a million stupid things to do, meaning you could meet people and find better things to do LOL
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: robin1989 on February 29, 2008, 04:02:56 PM
lol my skills are none apart from i like to spend money and drink. i also like to drive fast and watch films. so no real skills or anything thats interesting certainly for a girl and in highschool i was a recluse as had little confidence so didnt go t oschool events much
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: Reaper on February 29, 2008, 04:20:10 PM
I'm not allowed to go to school events anymore (long story TL:DR FIREWORKS)
anyways just getting out there is the first big thing.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: budgray19 on February 29, 2008, 10:56:55 PM
pool, malls, weddings (lol jk)
movies store

Title: Re: Girls
Post by: nez on March 01, 2008, 12:20:55 AM
kay-man this works for me all the time. now listen clossley.
okay now i was not allowed to date will i was in highschool so like last year, but i did have a lot of girls that were always hitting on me and now that i am in college(no i am not a player or anything, iam very religious.) i have been more out spoken and not so much quiet.

well the first thing is first find a girl you like or girls. i all ways pick the ones in my classes because we choose to sit were we fell so i sit with in talking distance.
then you need to use your intellegents to lure them in. i all ways act very very smart.

now you lean over when you fill like you have some thing to say like if you see her having trouble on a problem offer your help and help them out.

now that you broke the ice. go to your next move act like your brain dead you know what did the teacher say? or what were we doing?, what page are we on? stuff like that.

now what you have done is given the girl two things a man that can give support but also show that he needs help in life from her. they love that stuff it is what they look for in a man most of the time.

now that you do this for a few day she will open up to you and their will be conversations drifting away from class. now is the time to run in to her more often out side of class nothing like stalking but if a class she has is close by then take a walk by and say "hey how is your day?" now be prepared to listen and respond  to here answer if she gives you a story. if not then bring up the homework and say you didn't get one of the questions.

now you say oh you need to get to your class i will go with you as you help me on this problem now you would say this in your words.

now the whole key is to try pulling off to being brainless in some ways not too much though just enough.
sort of like mimic the stoner's in you school.(no i never did drugs or partied or drank alcohol in my life.)

you must have confidence in your self no mater how un confident you fill.(it is a must)

now do this for a amount of time now she get use to talking to you now and then now go and persue her talk to here before school and after make small talk become friend is what i am saying then one you do that then ask her out.

oh and get to know her fiends and be ice to them they have a l of say in here life.

i have never gotten to the asking out stage due to parents.

now thier ar occasions were the grils starts asking you questions and most of the time you should gie a short answer then ask here the same question. usualy she want to start to talk about that subject but want you aproval. then you to listen to let her vent.

but like i said some times they want you to do all the talikg so they can listen.

ex. now their is this girl in my class she sits on the other side of the class opposite of me were i am surrounded by three or four girls depending if one decides to show or not. and my friend. now i have only smiled at her during class. but one day whole waiting for the class to start in an hour and a half me and my friend were messing around with his psp. when she asked us a question about what we do with are lives and my friend replaied games work school reapeat. then i answered i have no life play a game reraly and sit and stare at the celling dont work and go to school. now i gave her a reson to ask me more questions about why on all three.  Now i sit and talk with her for an hour and a half before class a few times a week when their is class. and she always whats to have a 50 50 discussions me talk as much as her. we now run it to each other in the same hallways i walk around in to get from class to class. ( this happens once in a great your life when this happens.) now my friend already had a gril freid that showed up a few moment after talking with the girl but luckly i was talking when she showed up.

oh and last class we were late to class because we were talking that we forgot about time. (no i do not sit next to her in class or talk to her but i do to the other girls.)
remember give support receive support. are the two keys.
it is a 60/40 type of thing but they can be show different way depending on the girls character. Most of the girls i meat are goal driven( at school to get a degree and then what ever) so the class is the best place.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: lewson on March 01, 2008, 12:52:30 AM
be yourself?
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on March 01, 2008, 03:04:02 AM
kay-man this works for me all the time. now listen clossley.
okay now i was not allowed to date will i was in highschool so like last year, but i did have a lot of girls that were always hitting on me and now that i am in college(no i am not a player or anything, iam very religious.) i have been more out spoken and not so much quiet.

well the first thing is first find a girl you like or girls. i all ways pick the ones in my classes because we choose to sit were we fell so i sit with in talking distance.
then you need to use your intellegents to lure them in. i all ways act very very smart.

now you lean over when you fill like you have some thing to say like if you see her having trouble on a problem offer your help and help them out.

now that you broke the ice. go to your next move act like your brain dead you know what did the teacher say? or what were we doing?, what page are we on? stuff like that.

now what you have done is given the girl two things a man that can give support but also show that he needs help in life from her. they love that stuff it is what they look for in a man most of the time.

now that you do this for a few day she will open up to you and their will be conversations drifting away from class. now is the time to run in to her more often out side of class nothing like stalking but if a class she has is close by then take a walk by and say "hey how is your day?" now be prepared to listen and respond  to here answer if she gives you a story. if not then bring up the homework and say you didn't get one of the questions.

now you say oh you need to get to your class i will go with you as you help me on this problem now you would say this in your words.

now the whole key is to try pulling off to being brainless in some ways not too much though just enough.
sort of like mimic the stoner's in you school.(no i never did drugs or partied or drank alcohol in my life.)

you must have confidence in your self no mater how un confident you fill.(it is a must)

now do this for a amount of time now she get use to talking to you now and then now go and persue her talk to here before school and after make small talk become friend is what i am saying then one you do that then ask her out.

oh and get to know her fiends and be ice to them they have a l of say in here life.

i have never gotten to the asking out stage due to parents.

now thier ar occasions were the grils starts asking you questions and most of the time you should gie a short answer then ask here the same question. usualy she want to start to talk about that subject but want you aproval. then you to listen to let her vent.

but like i said some times they want you to do all the talikg so they can listen.

ex. now their is this girl in my class she sits on the other side of the class opposite of me were i am surrounded by three or four girls depending if one decides to show or not. and my friend. now i have only smiled at her during class. but one day whole waiting for the class to start in an hour and a half me and my friend were messing around with his psp. when she asked us a question about what we do with are lives and my friend replaied games work school reapeat. then i answered i have no life play a game reraly and sit and stare at the celling dont work and go to school. now i gave her a reson to ask me more questions about why on all three.  Now i sit and talk with her for an hour and a half before class a few times a week when their is class. and she always whats to have a 50 50 discussions me talk as much as her. we now run it to each other in the same hallways i walk around in to get from class to class. ( this happens once in a great your life when this happens.) now my friend already had a gril freid that showed up a few moment after talking with the girl but luckly i was talking when she showed up.

oh and last class we were late to class because we were talking that we forgot about time. (no i do not sit next to her in class or talk to her but i do to the other girls.)
remember give support receive support. are the two keys.
it is a 60/40 type of thing but they can be show different way depending on the girls character. Most of the girls i meat are goal driven( at school to get a degree and then what ever) so the class is the best place.

Wow man! gotta keep that in mind

be yourself?
Myself is lame, think about it.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: dedafmonteur on March 01, 2008, 04:04:11 AM
well, think of this.

girls first pick the hot guys...but they usually suck so after a few weeks it's over.
they want someone that they can talk with....a sensitive guy....

that allways works
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: ProperBritish on March 01, 2008, 09:05:27 AM
Yeah when you're younger girls, (no offence) are more naïve and see whats on the outside more. There are exceptions, though. When you're older girls seem to take more notice of you, because you're nicer to talk to (there are also exceptions to this). But you've gotta be up for a laugh as well.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: kink192 on March 01, 2008, 02:04:34 PM
try a mall, dont seem desperate though, something ive noticed, confidence is a turn on to girls, im alot more confident when i have a girlfriend so most girls like me more then when i dont. but just keep an eye out for girls eyeballing you.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: ryan0 on March 02, 2008, 10:44:10 AM
i'm weirdly good with girls....and i mean weeeeeeirdly good!i've had about 19 (hot) girlfriends since i was 12 (i'm 15 in may)  and i succeeded in finding my ginger spotty slightly chubby friend a decent looking girlfriend and in the process put together these rules:
1: honesty comedy is the best policy - be funny and witty,dont try too hard to be funny or you'll look like a sh*t
2: make them feel special - dont be afraid to say stuff like "woah u have awesome eyes" <<dats a babekiller
3: girls like guys with great skills hair - get a cool ass hairstyle
4: buy some flashy new threads - seriously...this works...really well
5: dont be afraid to look a little bit stupid - girls like guys that can laugh things off
6: be confident in urself - dont b afraid to get urself out there,go to clubs and social events etc with your friends,girls like guys that are confident but not :censored:y
7: BE YOURSELF - i cant stress this enough,dont let anything stop you from being who you are,if you try to be something ur not girls see right through it and you will make a dipsh*t out of urself

remember these rules are not to be taken as gospel/any other article of great importance,dont follow them word for word adjust them to who you are,dont overdo any of them and dont allow them to get in the way of who you are!
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: dedafmonteur on March 02, 2008, 11:15:04 AM
i'm weirdly good with girls....and i mean weeeeeeirdly good!i've had about 19 (hot) girlfriends since i was 12 (i'm 15 in may)  and i succeeded in finding my ginger spotty slightly chubby friend a decent looking girlfriend and in the process put together these rules:
1: honesty comedy is the best policy - be funny and witty,dont try too hard to be funny or you'll look like a sh*t
2: make them feel special - dont be afraid to say stuff like "woah u have awesome eyes" <<dats a babekiller
3: girls like guys with great skills hair - get a cool ass hairstyle
4: buy some flashy new threads - seriously...this works...really well
5: dont be afraid to look a little bit stupid - girls like guys that can laugh things off
6: be confident in urself - dont b afraid to get urself out there,go to clubs and social events etc with your friends,girls like guys that are confident but not :censored:y
7: BE YOURSELF - i cant stress this enough,dont let anything stop you from being who you are,if you try to be something ur not girls see right through it and you will make a dipsh*t out of urself

remember these rules are not to be taken as gospel/any other article of great importance,dont follow them word for word adjust them to who you are,dont overdo any of them and dont allow them to get in the way of who you are!

teh master has spoken

Title: Re: Girls
Post by: lewson on March 02, 2008, 12:38:09 PM
i'm weirdly good with girls....and i mean weeeeeeirdly good!i've had about 19 (hot) girlfriends since i was 12 (i'm 15 in may)  and i succeeded in finding my ginger spotty slightly chubby friend a decent looking girlfriend and in the process put together these rules:
1: honesty comedy is the best policy - be funny and witty,dont try too hard to be funny or you'll look like a sh*t
2: make them feel special - dont be afraid to say stuff like "woah u have awesome eyes" <<dats a babekiller
3: girls like guys with great skills hair - get a cool ass hairstyle
4: buy some flashy new threads - seriously...this works...really well
5: dont be afraid to look a little bit stupid - girls like guys that can laugh things off
6: be confident in urself - dont b afraid to get urself out there,go to clubs and social events etc with your friends,girls like guys that are confident but not :censored:y
7: BE YOURSELF - i cant stress this enough,dont let anything stop you from being who you are,if you try to be something ur not girls see right through it and you will make a dipsh*t out of urself

remember these rules are not to be taken as gospel/any other article of great importance,dont follow them word for word adjust them to who you are,dont overdo any of them and dont allow them to get in the way of who you are!

Thats soo true!
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on March 03, 2008, 12:44:59 PM
i'm weirdly good with girls....and i mean weeeeeeirdly good!i've had about 19 (hot) girlfriends since i was 12 (i'm 15 in may)  and i succeeded in finding my ginger spotty slightly chubby friend a decent looking girlfriend and in the process put together these rules:
1: honesty comedy is the best policy - be funny and witty,dont try too hard to be funny or you'll look like a sh*t
2: make them feel special - dont be afraid to say stuff like "woah u have awesome eyes" <<dats a babekiller
3: girls like guys with great skills hair - get a cool ass hairstyle
4: buy some flashy new threads - seriously...this works...really well
5: dont be afraid to look a little bit stupid - girls like guys that can laugh things off
6: be confident in urself - dont b afraid to get urself out there,go to clubs and social events etc with your friends,girls like guys that are confident but not :censored:y
7: BE YOURSELF - i cant stress this enough,dont let anything stop you from being who you are,if you try to be something ur not girls see right through it and you will make a dipsh*t out of urself

remember these rules are not to be taken as gospel/any other article of great importance,dont follow them word for word adjust them to who you are,dont overdo any of them and dont allow them to get in the way of who you are!
Im definatly trying this
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: Rory on March 04, 2008, 02:49:35 AM
1: That is me all over, i'm pretty funny.
2: I say similar things but I haven't complimented their eyes yet.
3: Lol, I let her "style" mine "Blue-black hair would make you look soo sexy" her words. (she is VERY flirty though, dunno which extent of "like" she feels towards me)
4: Yeah, I need new clothes... Thats 1 out of 7 I need to try.
5: I went to see a mate from my old course, I was known as the "retard", just so happened that he called me a retard infront of her, I laughed, she had a major stress at him.
6: My confidence is growing, It isn't huge at the moment, but it is growing
7: I am always myself with a very little luck, I tryed being someone else once with no luck, I can't win here lol :P

Would have thought THE Rory, would have had some by now...

I some girls I know, they have a christian friend (who is famous for preaching). They told him about me. He was like "Who names their kid Rory?". One of them went back to him a week later, My new best guy-friend is God, He said something along the lines of thats great. Then she said "But you insulted his name" he looked at her confused "You said who names their kid Rory". When I heard about that I was laughing soo hard. But now they resemble me to God and their "preacher friend" is concerned that they are going to hell.
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on March 04, 2008, 09:06:23 AM
1: That is me all over, i'm pretty funny.
2: I say similar things but I haven't complimented their eyes yet.
3: Lol, I let her "style" mine "Blue-black hair would make you look soo sexy" her words. (she is VERY flirty though, dunno which extent of "like" she feels towards me)
4: Yeah, I need new clothes... Thats 1 out of 7 I need to try.
5: I went to see a mate from my old course, I was known as the "retard", just so happened that he called me a retard infront of her, I laughed, she had a major stress at him.
6: My confidence is growing, It isn't huge at the moment, but it is growing
7: I am always myself with a very little luck, I tryed being someone else once with no luck, I can't win here lol :P

Would have thought THE Rory, would have had some by now...

I some girls I know, they have a christian friend (who is famous for preaching). They told him about me. He was like "Who names their kid Rory?". One of them went back to him a week later, My new best guy-friend is God, He said something along the lines of thats great. Then she said "But you insulted his name" he looked at her confused "You said who names their kid Rory". When I heard about that I was laughing soo hard. But now they resemble me to God and their "preacher friend" is concerned that they are going to hell.
1. Unfortunatly, im not funny at all,  dam
2. I can try...
3. My hair is queer
4. Fortunatly, in the last month, i bought 2 new suits (first suits, they look like tuxedos), a bape hoody (Usally costing about £400) and a bape belt (Which i just ordered from a person online, arrived today but nobody was in so i have to pick it up in 2 days at post office)
5. I look stupid all the time, like for example, yesterday i was swinging on somebodys bag (lol long story) and i flew off and landed infront of like 15 girls (is that good or bad then?)
6. Im not that confident
7. Myself sucks tbh

So, im a social outkast much?

Also rory, erm, im not entirely sure what that last paragraph had to do with girls lol
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: ryan0 on March 05, 2008, 11:15:20 AM

teh master has spoken

wohoooo!i so have to make a poster lol XD
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on March 05, 2008, 11:41:52 PM
wohoooo!i so have to make a poster lol XD
Indeed, and get somebody to design it, but who?....  :dntknw:
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: Luke on March 06, 2008, 12:25:05 AM

 - Web design
 - Coding
 - Business
 - Drawing
Thats about it.

what about sports like Griddin or hockey or something like that..... i play ice hockey =] =] ive got a girlfriend.... ive known her for a while.... hmmm do u have any friends that are girls that you semm too like =] =]
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: Luke on March 06, 2008, 12:27:58 AM

5. I look stupid all the time, like for example, yesterday i was swinging on somebodys bag (lol long story) and i flew off and landed infront of like 15 girls (is that good or bad then?)

lol sometimes good sometimes bad
Title: Re: Girls
Post by: phenomenal on March 06, 2008, 06:57:48 AM
Nope, im pathetic at all sports
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