Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Phat (1000) => Topic started by: mp3punk05 on March 09, 2008, 09:19:10 AM
Heya , does anyone know how to put a psp jewel into my psp? or a tutorial please?
1) Remove umd door ( you dont have to but its harder that way)
2) Cutt the circle around the ring where you want to put that jewel
3) Use a cd case or buy a jewel from here :P
4) done
examples [pics are from me]
Thannkyou , but how do you replace the door?
look in kenshinfxx tut on how to take apart your psp then look in the wiki for the installation guide
man i never removed the door do you have to completly disassemble the psp or is there a quick way to like pop it off? :dntknw:
man i never removed the door do you have to completly disassemble the psp or is there a quick way to like pop it off? :dntknw:
yeh looks at kens idea using a butter knife =P i kno it sounds random but it works and anyway you have to take the pap apart to thee motherboard just to it back on anyway so i dont see why you just do it the safe way by taking it apart to the motherboard and push that clip so it pops of
yeh looks at kens idea using a butter knife =P i kno it sounds random but it works and anyway you have to take the pap apart to thee motherboard just to it back on anyway so i dont see why you just do it the safe way by taking it apart to the motherboard and push that clip so it pops of
lol sounds kinda weirds i think i will just go with the old fason way once i get my jewel :tup:
lol sounds kinda weirds i think i will just go with the old fason way once i get my jewel :tup:
yeh might as well ur gonna need to take the psp apart anyway :tup: + im jelous ur sovling all the topics b4 i even read em!!! ur too fast for me!!!
you need to take it apart bcuz there is a screw holding the umd door on and you have to get under the mobo to get it
its the safest way to go for you psp
you need to take it apart bcuz there is a screw holding the umd door on and you have to get under the mobo to get it
its the safest way to go for you psp
what the screw neareast to the left speaker ... u dont need to unscrew that to take the door off you need too unscrew to put it on
you dont really need to remove umd door if you dont want to remove all the components inside the psp you can just take an exacto-knife and cut around jsut becareful
So just take the UMD cover off, take a dremel tool and make a hole that's smaller than your jewel, sand, then take your jewel and snap it in, right?