Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: Jiggyfly on March 29, 2008, 11:20:41 AM
theres talk about a new version of the PSP...many rumors about....will it have dual nubs...internal memory...touch about it more here PSP FanBoy (
Fan made image:
chances are if they do bring on out they will steal modders ideas and have them built into there model.
but if they do take the fan made psp image, that would be one uncomfortable psp.
the next psp wont come out till prolly liek 2015. sony's psp plan was intentionally for ten years but now they have thoughts of extending it. its been five years since the psp came out, (not like hardware in our hand, but development which began in 2003 and the ten year plan was anounced in 2003) and they introduced the slim. so yea.
Who knows what it will look like or what functions it will have. their are so many diff ideas out their that no one can get the story right.
umd yes umd no
phone yes phone no
have a HDD yes hdd no
run of memory sticks yes MS no
some one say they herd this then some one said they herd the opposite.
chances are if they do bring on out they will steal modders ideas and have them built into there model.
yeh me 2 like internal cam u dont have to install cfw it has it in built like u can normally dont have to flash themes if u get what i mean duanl nub .... keyboarf rofl
There will be a PSP 3000, but it will be the next step, not a revision, PSP2 is coming in a year or so, we may even have talk of it at the Tokyo Games Show
if sony makes another revised psp i'm pretty sure it is going to have dual analog
I dont remember where I read this, but a good point is, IF it is dual nub, what about backwards capatability? The games that are out now that have no use for a dual nub, or you use the X O [] and triangle, what then? How much money would Sony loose if they put in the dual nub? How much would they make? I mean, really how can they improve this system? Its probably going to be internal hardware. Faster CPU, more flash, something along those lines. Hell, mayhap even an SD card or CF card attachment or something like that. Just my 2 pennies.
did someone really make a psp like that some where or was the whole thing computer generated :dntknw:
Im going to lean towards 'Computer Generated' I mean, yeah....
was an april fools day joke last yeah and they brought it back this year