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=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: lilcrzytimmy on April 03, 2008, 02:18:11 PM
i took an awesoem pic when i got my ps3. here it is. WOOT.
that pic would be much awsomer if the PS3 was a 360 =P
still pretty cool though, its like the big mother of all little ones
coldplay... good song
umm naa sniper teh ps3 looks best
btw timmy get a hdmi cable
dont use teh aux for teh video
i got my hdmi at radio shack for 40 bucks
now sniper if he had teh slim ps2 and the phat ps2
teh phat ps2 a the ps3 would be parenst and the psp phat would be the pre teen
slim teh baby and the slim ps2 would be the fasion teen with the i dont give a damm attitude
and teh wii would be teh uncle
like HEY its uncle wii and teh game cube wouuld be his over weight brother of teh ps3
family trees
they go way back
coldplay... good song
umm naa sniper teh ps3 looks best
btw timmy get a hdmi cable
dont use teh aux for teh video
i got my hdmi at radio shack for 40 bucks
now sniper if he had teh slim ps2 and the phat ps2
teh phat ps2 a the ps3 would be parenst and the psp phat would be the pre teen
slim teh baby and the slim ps2 would be the fasion teen with the i dont give a damm attitude
and teh wii would be teh uncle
like HEY its uncle wii and teh game cube wouuld be his over weight brother of teh ps3
family trees
they go way back
yea i do have an hdmi cable, just that i took this pic before the day i got it.
btw, blu ray looks awesome. i have no regrets choosing this over the xbox, which i am glad i didnt due to the overheating. if i gotten the xbox, i bet it would have gottent he rrod since the location of the ps3 has very lil ventilation. it gets hot in there. i cut a hole fore some more ventilation, but its not as effective, but im sure the ps3'S HUGE heat sink and fan will keep it cool.
i have a samsung something. its 50 in screen with a full hd 1080p display.
Yerr. I got a samsung too. I beleive its [57???] or [60???] not sure. But its 1080p too.
nice pic
i think i got a samsung 1080p 42" as its all my mum would spend she wouldnt spend the £5000 for the 60" pioneer panel - god that looked sexy good
HAHAHA, everyone has a samsung. i think they are great, very reliable.
btw, if you have a plasma, anyone got burn in yet? i did.... but its not as noticable as when i got it. i learned to set contrast and brighness low to prevent them.
Mine is Plasma.... No burn in yet.
57" DLP Mitsubishi ^.^
nice pic but missing a 360 :laughing: lol i can see u in the ps3 :tup: