Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: ccccpie on April 04, 2008, 02:01:35 PM
Pics of were to drill? Thanks.
Look in L0rdnic0's sound mod tut ;)
There is a picture of it in that tut
edit: got bored, so i looked up the picture for you
you can see it a little bit here ;)
Look in L0rdnic0's sound mod tut ;)
There is a picture of it in that tut
edit: got bored, so i looked up the picture for you
you can see it a little bit here ;)
Coolio thanks, putting LEDs In my slim now.... But what is the point to solder to on the powerboards?
wait. :nono: are we supposed to use 0603 smd leds or 3mm leds cause i have both lol :tup: which will work better? :dntknw:
0603 Most Def.
Here you go Pie. I tried to send them to you on MSN but it failed. My suggestion is to drill
My suggestion is to drill higher on this(closer to the skinny part). other wise you will have problems.
omg thankyou! I know what i'm doing the rest of the night.
I'll be on MSN if you need me just ask.. oh and mebeam too..
YEah. I have another Question but my mobile msn is being stupid. I dont know were to put the resistor and wich side (side with green line) f it is positive or negative and were to solder mhy wires on the power board.
ok do i need a resistor if im gonna do white leds. im trying to match my god of war psp when it comes out the red and white one. ima paint the trim white and change buttons to white itll look AWSOME! :tup:
Once mine is done I'll post a vid.
First read: ( Instead of just asking what resistor, this tut will teach you what you need to know in order to calculate it yourself, to get some of the figures you can do a search on Google for SMD LED Data Sheets.
Second, resistors can go anywhere in a circuit, negative, positive it doesn't matter...
lordnico if im not mistaken that switch is the wifi switch right? did you mod it to work as your on and off switch for your triggers?
lordnico if im not mistaken that switch is the wifi switch right? did you mod it to work as your on and off switch for your triggers?
I'm not sure of what you were referencing but, in the Slim Sound Reactive mod I use the WiFi switch to turn on and off mods. I have a new method and code has been released that allows you to turn on an off up to six mods or six different combinations of mods using the note button and holding it down for only .5 second per mode. You would need a PIC and a PIC Programmer to pull this off though. Maybe one day we will open a PIC Store and sell pre programmed PICs :#1: