
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: DubbleDutch on April 26, 2008, 02:34:42 PM

Title: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 26, 2008, 02:34:42 PM
Some of you have already seen it through MSN or seen my personal message on msn
but here is the official topic :P

i finally bought a PSP slim for 45 euro's (incl shipping) which only needs a screen replacement :)

i'm going to mod it away with alot of led's
there will be 12 leds extra and there won't be a clear case!! you might wonder why not? i did plan this mod a long time ago and bought all the equipment such as led's and wire etc. and the clear case just came out so.

what i'm going to do is
-all face buttons lighted in UV on and off with wifi switch
-L+R sound reactive UV Purple(sorry without the chip)
-and a UMD door mod with 2 leds UV Purple which will include a alive jewel (bought it 2 days ago at kenshinffx and skullmaster)
-all normal led's swapped to white

what i already did is
-cutted the umd door (pics below)
-made the x o [] ^ button's light up (fully working) (pics below)
-made the D-pad light up (still having some bugs)
-drill the triggers
-all led's swapped to white (for some reason i can't get the power and charge work correctly, going to fix that soon)

here are the first pictures from the x o [] ^ buttons with UV Led's
REMEMBER the uv purple light looks different when you record them on the camera then in real life.

The buttons (i still don't know why they are different colors on the camera probably the way of the buttons or led's are positioned)




The UMD door (without Jewel)


so what do you think ?
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: dedafmonteur on April 26, 2008, 02:41:16 PM

i like it's like dutch
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 26, 2008, 02:43:37 PM
sorry for the overlighted pictures
i just made them
and it's kinda dark here (23.50) almost midnight ;)
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: S.T.R. on April 26, 2008, 03:46:47 PM
how you have make this ?  :dribble:
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 26, 2008, 03:49:49 PM
drilling and glueing and soldering and dremeling and patience

and with the help of L0rdnic0 for advice on the drilling part of the leds ;)
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: Luke on April 26, 2008, 06:24:12 PM
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: kypes on April 27, 2008, 07:20:00 AM
Very nice ... I really like it  :yess:

one u think its harder to mod a psp slim or a normal psp .....
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 27, 2008, 09:57:32 AM
Very nice ... I really like it  :yess:

one u think its harder to mod a psp slim or a normal psp .....

it depends on what

the led swaps for the power and charge are more difficult on the slim
because you cant position the leds horizontal like on the phat becaus they will touch the big negative point there ;)

there is more space in the slim then in the phat so that is a + for the slim
and in the phat are more parts (or bigger) which makes some things more difficult

i've got more things that i could say for the slim or the phat
but i think that if i mod the slim as much as i modded phat psp's i would prefer the slim ;)
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: pinoyboi24 on April 27, 2008, 11:17:04 AM
I like it! But I got a question, do you plan on keeping the UMD door without the jewel? If so, is it safe to do that?(ie getting dunbst inside the psp because of the hole?)
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 27, 2008, 11:28:01 AM
I like it! But I got a question, do you plan on keeping the UMD door without the jewel? If so, is it safe to do that?(ie getting dunbst inside the psp because of the hole?)

you were probably to lazy to read the text i made ?
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: pinoyboi24 on April 27, 2008, 01:24:32 PM
you were probably to lazy to read the text i made ?
Opps, sorry. Another question, when you ordered the Jewel, is it a one size fits all? like do the jewels fit the phat and the slim psp?
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 27, 2008, 04:09:53 PM
Opps, sorry. Another question, when you ordered the Jewel, is it a one size fits all? like do the jewels fit the phat and the slim psp?

the jewels are thesame ;)

the size of the silver ring is thesame on the phat and the slim so the jewel fits perfect in both
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: 4dP on April 28, 2008, 01:38:58 AM
did you fix that powerboard prob yet i always found that connecting the 2 negs and the 1 pos to one led always work and the pic of the powerboard by nic0 is kinda wrong
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 28, 2008, 04:37:22 AM
did you fix that powerboard prob yet i always found that connecting the 2 negs and the 1 pos to one led always work and the pic of the powerboard by nic0 is kinda wrong

don't know if i fixed it

but i tried to solder 1 led to the 3 points ;) so charge and on is thesame (which was not the idea)
because i wanted to have white for on and bleu for charge

anyway i didnt test it yet
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: 4dP on April 30, 2008, 02:58:53 AM
don't know if i fixed it

but i tried to solder 1 led to the 3 points ;) so charge and on is thesame (which was not the idea)
because i wanted to have white for on and bleu for charge

anyway i didnt test it yet

you could always use wires for each point and hot glue them in place
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: GD360 on May 01, 2008, 02:01:00 AM
damn you , ya stole my idea.
aaaahhhhhh well.

its looking good. keep it up. hifive

but now for my PLAN B:
que evil laugh
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: ApheX on May 01, 2008, 05:16:44 AM
looking great dude, keep up the good work!  :tup:
Title: Re: My Purple UV Lighted PSP (WIP)
Post by: LoS on May 01, 2008, 04:58:30 PM
Looks great DD ;) even looks better irl :)
can't wait till it's finished :P
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