Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: afataldonkey on May 08, 2008, 10:39:13 PM
just a poll to see what people would like to have as a jewel. Maybe a mod could work up the winning jewel (please be monster :beg: ) if you would like to see a different jewel just post it.
edit: didn't know that there was already a oldstyle ps logo already. oh well, vote for it if you like it
My favorite out of that list is the PS Oldschool Logo buts already one at Jewel Factory
mah sig!!!! well under it
I think the old skool ps1 logo rocks, but i'm more looking forward to my WipEouT Logo jewel. it's pretty hot!
i would love 2 see kratos it would be freakin awesome on the new kratos limitied edition psp coming out
I think the old skool ps1 logo rocks, but i'm more looking forward to my WipEouT Logo jewel. it's pretty hot!
Wipeout Logo jewel! That's going to look awesome. Tell me when you get and send me a pic
will do, just waiting for my psp to be modded then a will post a few pic's! :tup:
my jordan symbol! :tup:
Definately the Monster one :D :D :D, Or the Sobe Lizard... Or Etnies Symbol >_>.
i was going to put the sobe lizard but wasnt sure if anybody would like it. luke101 your sig would look tight as a jewel. im still voting for the monster though, would look sweet with a piano black slim with green leds
You know whats funny I can make any jewel I want, but I have yet to make one for myself, lol
You know whats funny I can make any jewel I want, but I have yet to make one for myself, lol
lucky you lol. maybe you could hook me up with a monster jewel, you know, if i supply the design or whatever you need for it. pm me if you could do this
i made a rough copy one for a monster jewel for a comp:
and i made this one, i think its pretty smexy:
i made them when i was just starting PS
but i say to go for the monster one
wow man those are really good. just with the monster one i really dont like how the letters are, but just the 3 slashes would look sweet on a jewel
hells yeah that would be sweet with some green leds even a rockstar one would be sweet i would even pay for that i good jewel would even make gay leds look good like purple ones hahahahahaha
My new Jewel!
mice dude, nvr seen a jewel like that
ima go wit monster :victory:
My new Jewel!
Whats the logo 4dp? Its pretty sweet :tup:
Personally I'd like to see the DVS "Splat" logo on a jewel. Sweet as :winker:
Whats the logo 4dp? Its pretty sweet :tup:
Personally I'd like to see the DVS "Splat" logo on a jewel. Sweet as :winker:
That's the Wipeout Logo, done by Yours truly.... ME!
That's the Wipeout Logo, done by Yours truly.... ME!
Mine truly? Sweet I own ken...
Yeah, but i r teh masta that spawned it! HEHE!
so i own you to?
My machine owned the plexi! HEHE!
Whats the logo 4dp? Its pretty sweet :tup:
Personally I'd like to see the DVS "Splat" logo on a jewel. Sweet as :winker:
4dP is modding my psp for me so i had it sent to him. So when he fitted the door he sent a pic. Many thanks to Ken and skullmaster!!!
You guys rule!