Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: cwn723 on May 29, 2008, 05:11:35 PM
All in favor say EYE.
All not in favor say NEIGH.
i know alot of the electronics geniuses here are capable of way more than just moddin game consoles,plus i need help makeing some things and it would be great if if i could just come here and not have to search for hours finding the info i want scattered about the web.
i agree growing is good.
EYE lol
the more the merry-er xD
even though i dont think i'vr ever had a look in there...
eye (but neigh sounds so much cooler :P)
but yes we need a general electronics forum and we need it now lol :tup:
You heard 'um admins, make a general electronics section!!!
eye (but neigh sounds so much cooler :P)
but yes we need a general electronics forum and we need it now lol :tup:
neigh sounds like a horse :eyebrow:
IMO neigh. I am all in favour of diversification but if we took the geniuses away from the mods then the mods would stop :cry2:
No, We already have a forum for everything electronical.
NO? i dont understand, surely you mean NEIGH? and where is the link?
NO? i dont understand, surely you mean NEIGH? and where is the link?
Meaning, there is already different sections for everything.