
Acid Mods Community Area => Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: afataldonkey on June 01, 2008, 04:12:01 PM

Title: guitar hero bot
Post by: afataldonkey on June 01, 2008, 04:12:01 PM
hello i have been wanting to make a guitar hero bot for a while now and have searched around and found nothing. this is an idea of what i am talking about. ( here are some pics of what the bot looks like.

mods dont move this to the xbox 360 section because there is almost nobody there and technically i can be asking for a bot that can play through the fire and flames on an unnamed console :)

i already tried contacting the owner of the video but he didnt say anything :(.
if you guys could help me out with this that would be sweet.

Pspkicks316: pics resized. Use the [img width=x][/img] code to resize them.
Title: Re: guitar hero bot
Post by: tmandt on June 02, 2008, 03:37:07 AM
that :censored: is crazy yo
Title: Re: guitar hero bot
Post by: VoX on June 02, 2008, 03:58:05 AM
Yes, It is hard to an extent to complete this kind of mod. There is no easy way to do and no tutorials at this point. Please resize the pictures as they are far too big
Title: Re: guitar hero bot
Post by: afataldonkey on June 02, 2008, 02:35:16 PM
sorry i cant resize the pics cause i took them straight from the info on the video. well like you said it is hard and there arent any tuts for it yet and i dont think there will be any tuts for a while but im pretty sure cyber could probably do this or another god.
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