Members Area => PSP Themes => Theming => Art & Theme Team => 3.90 CFW.OFW => Topic started by: SchmilK on June 05, 2008, 10:31:12 AM
ScheNschiTiviTy XMB CTF PSP Theme 3.90m33/3.93cfw
Here is my latest use of all the resources.
I had to do something while my computer was rendering 3D frames, and whats better than themeing :)
Todays theme is in the memory of the smooth stylings
of madsoul's graphics
He showed me his Ipod touch theme and i had to make my own version for the psp...
Special features this time include, but are not limited too,
-Brand new opening plugin animation
-A merge of bottom, right and left sided browsing
-Repositioned submenu ICONS AND TEXT
( (
download link ->
CTF ->
Flash ->
This is VERY heavy on resrouces so dont be surprised if text starts disapearing after viewing multiple media formats. Just reboot and all will be good.
On the left is the toxic butterfly power.
As battery dies, the toxic butterflies go away
When all the butterflies are gone you are left with a non toxic stem, but still do not eat it.
Just plug in your psp and recharge
Shout out to the hard working Extravagent Pedestrians of the internet,
psp themeing would never be as fun if you all never got involved.
-Dah Tools:
Dark_Alex(team m33), Team C+D, ZingaBurga, Ac_K, Blessedhands, highboy, z33, Vulpix,
Red Squirrel, Takashi, sKing,
( \ / )
Posion :) CTF!!
-Offsets and other:
vegetano1, matchung, Bstronga, Gsmoke, MaDcOw, R!KKU, Shady545, hibbyware, AC_K, squee666, shady, ibawanzingee, me and all other's!!
All @ EndlessParadigm
All thanks thx thanks!!