OH come on, you need to provide more detail then that! Like what does it do how does it do it etc..
CyberPyrot also says it can make coffee!! COFFEE!!!!
CyberPyrot also says it can make coffee!! COFFEE!!!!
*FuFa - Be careful what you wish for says:
well what does it do
CyberPyrot says:
Try to get more out of him.
can this handle the go cam mod?
holdup does this chip have the ability 2 control the functions of your mods that are put n2 the psp. kinda like a cpu or something if so this is gonna be freakin awesome kinda like the dude who suggested using cfw 2 control the mods then i suggested an app talking 2 a pic instead of cfw and this is gonna be cool if it is doing that
I think most of use are on the wrong idea what it does i have it. it is a electronic switch to turn on or off any mod that is added with out having switches on the out side of the psp. just combos of buttons instead. plus the led fader changer and all as well.
holdup does this chip have the ability 2 control the functions of your mods that are put n2 the psp. kinda like a cpu or something if so this is gonna be freakin awesome kinda like the dude who suggested using cfw 2 control the mods then i suggested an app talking 2 a pic instead of cfw and this is gonna be cool if it is doing that
So its like the electronic switch that Nic0 was talking about, except is has multiple input, more than just timed (Software) ect. But how many buttons can you hook up to it?four buttons and the out puts not only do switch functions but can do mods its self..
Wonder where he picked that up.
*FuFa - Be careful what you wish for said:
that doesnt really answer my question, because im sure it doesnt make coffee
CyberPyrot said:
it can
Superior : D
so this can be wired li the PIC nico made but with more inputs, more outputs, and pre assembled? pretty damn sweet, just one idea of what im gonna use it for, macro's this would of course be possible right?
do I have to purchase the coffee grounds, or are they included?
No, The question is: "Can it grow the Coffee beans, ground them, and then add milk, suger and then stir it", I believe it canew gross im be sick you 4got 2 brew it it taste freakin disgusting bluurpppppppaaghhhhhgggghhhhhgh < me throwing up
No, The question is: "Can it grow the Coffee beans, ground them, and then add milk, suger and then stir it", I believe it can
can it make the cup too XD
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beautiful cyberpyrot and king mike os but can the blue flashing lights be turned off or are they always on because i can imagine it will get annoying when your trying to pwn noobs on xblive...