Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: hamman42 on June 07, 2008, 12:54:04 PM
hi guys i got leds on my triggers and i wanna know how 2 mak the hold switch the on/off switch i hav been lookin on the internet for tutorials but ther does not seem 2 be any so help for this matter will be appreciated
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He's not really that new, Look for tutorials that involve using the hold switch. (
lol ya ive been with this place 4 almost 2 months and thanks vox im gonna try but if u com across 1 in your tim if u can post the link here i would be grateful thanks
EDIT: i did both of wat u guys said can u plz giv me a link 2 a guide
Nemesis: no double posting please, lol you've said yourself you not that new
Watch the video, that should be sufficient information to complete the hold switch mod
im pretty sure that is a phat and am not entirely sure that even helps someone who cant figure it out on there own hahaha sorry not trying to be rude just honest :winker:
omg i want 2 smash my psp now now the umds wont read!!!!!!! omg
did you get your finger on the laser try to wipe it off with a q-tip be careful like its a baby haha that sucks just use cfw :taunt:
the bottom two tabs are the ones for the hold switch i think, not 100% on this but i think all you need to do is desolder those two tabs and wire it into your circuit, im not completely sure though check around first go into the psp section and look around there they should hav something
Soldered the wrong point, DOH!
..Nah it's probably just a dirty lens
o ok im gonna try and yes i do hav cfw and yes i do use wat ur thinking but i still want umds lol thanks for ur help guys
ask 4dp he knows how to do it
yea i have already done it for the slim and will be releasing a video and tut when ready