ok this is simple just follow the tut for the sound reactive leds using the lm 386 amp ic and then where that connects to leds connect to the motor intstead also you can figure out different resistor amounts for the type of sound almost as a filter. i would only suggest using the amp that way you can have two motors haha plus you can throw some resistors on the motor if its to much voltage so the screen doesnt vibrate to the point you cant see but i doubt it would happen
OK all you’re on the right path but your all reinventing the wheel a little. First I’d like to say that if you were planning on hooking a motor to an LM386 directly you would be sad to find that the motor would continuously spin and never stop at all EVER unless you switch to headphones or muted the sound. Second think about what resistors do, they add resistance. So if I hook up an LM386 following the Sound Mod Tut and measured the output voltage from the LM386 (where you would connect the + side of the LED) you would find a Voltage of somewhere near 1.8 Volts when it’s quiet. To stop the motor from spinning (since it doesn’t work like a led with Minimum Operating Voltage) you would need to put enough resistance to KILL ALL VOLTAGE when the sound is minimal. That’s gonna impact your rumble big time. The right way to do this at least the way you probably should do this is with a magnetic reed switch. There is a POC of you do a search Cyber wrote it and I know TimmyDX has released a working POC in our General Forum some time ago so use the search button! Having worked on this with Cyber I have a lot of info and have even created a PSP POC (Now if I could only find parts small enough!!!) If you need help trying to hook this up in the PSP I can tell you how as Timmy’s POC was for the DS but it would be wired the same.
When I get to work I’ll send you the links to the two POCs I talked about and Link you my pictures of the Rumble in the slim.
Edit Here are some Pic's and I forgot to mention that the Slim Rumble Mod needs a 2.5 Volt or 2 Volt break point too but you will learn about that when you find Cybers POC or Timmys POC in the DS but if you remember I posted a topic in the slim section a few Months ago and said something like Guess what this is
Well if you still havent guessed its the 2.5 or 2 volt break point on the slim. Here are some other pictures...
OK its late I gotts to go to work! By for now.