Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: noksPSP on July 22, 2008, 06:31:47 AM
hi mates....
i already have my psp led sound reactives...
an this is the video..hehehe¤t=DSCF3384.flv (¤t=DSCF3384.flv)
Meh. I don't like green. It's okay.
nice psp, love the color scheme :victory:
hi mates....
i already have my psp led sound reactives...
an this is the video..hehehe¤t=DSCF3384.flv (¤t=DSCF3384.flv)
looks good nice job
how many leds are under the buttons and where? pics of internals? looks good great work but i do agree with kicks i dont like green but it dose look good i think your next mod should be rings of light on it that will look really nice
I really like this psp. Green and white go well and the psp looks cleanly modded. Totally agree with folklord36 with regards to the ring of light. :hifive: that would finish the look better than a jewel, but that's just me. :) Nice work!
next week i will post my psp in new mods...
i already repalce transparent white faceplate...
i already replace the keypad light into white...
and also im using psp slim batt with switch mode using pandora batt and normal batt...
nice! how many leds are under the face plate and where to get the under glow around the buttons?
Really nice! Good job on the colour scheme