Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Phat (1000) => Topic started by: Electro on July 30, 2008, 10:29:27 PM
I put in the headphones plug.
I should have done it in the 1st place much better now. :taunt:
This is my Joystick that work via PSP's remote port with the help of the RemaPSP app that is included in CWcheat.
For those that remember I was working on this MOD last year but the PSP remote broke so I had to stop the project until I got a new remote.
Also the headphones are leading out from the bottom of the joystick.
(I might make it so that I can unplug the headphones at anytime.)
1st MOD How it was before:
Here is 2 videos that will show you how it works.
Video of Coded Arms: (
Video of Afterburner: (
It works much better then it might look.
And I can map any buttons I want as long as it's no more then 5. :taunt:
No tutorial is really needed since this is quite easy.
All you do is solder 10 wires to the locations in red and then to the other buttons in a D-Pad or whatever.
I chose to solder 8 of the wires for D-Pad use and 2 for 1 action button.
Here is a small picture I drew to help you guys.
Dude..nice work. It looks better than I thought it would be.
maybe ill try it sometime :tup:
seems pretty useful
I have that same joystick LOL. :hifive: nice job though.
Dude thats pretty sick. Nice work in deed.
I had studied that port for another person and never gave
the thought of using it for other things.
It is a serial com port so the PSP can talk to the remote
control on the remote headphones.
Thats damn smart !!!!!!
There is no limit to what can just be plugged into there as
long as the software is there.
You can even put a small PIC inside a full game console
and just have the PIC talk to the PSP.
:censored: You could even do a small box that had an
interface to a full keyboard !!!
Man u gotta put up a TUT for this i gotta try would it for the xo[]/\ buttons aswell so it work as a second joystick 2 :dribble:
Good job!
I downloaded the source code for remaPSP
It allows you to remap any PSP button to any other PSP button.
There are four buttons on the remote control for the psp headphone jack
His remote control is wired in place of the 4 remote control buttons.
I am ordering a remote today, I have the equipment to look at the data
that is sent from the PSP to the processor in the remote control ( It just may be a parallel to
serial chip also )
If I look at the data, and can reconstruct it, I should be able to expand the amount
of pins to at least 255 buttons. If we do that you what you plug in there for peripherals
would be up to you.
But switches, keyboards, joysticks could all be hooked up and mapped to all of the PSP
internal buttons.
I will be examining the remapsp software closer while I wait for the remote to get here.
Absolutely an ingenious application hooking the remote joystick to the serial port data !!
how about soldering a razor x or something and make it a removable dual analog.....
Thanks for all your comments guys. :)
I'm glad you like it.
There is actually 1 thing that I'm not sure how to fix.
Maybe you guys can help?
When you map the + and - Volume buttons and use them in games the volume controls are still accessed
and the volume goes up and down whenever you use those keys.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Man u gotta put up a TUT for this i gotta try would it for the xo[]/\ buttons aswell so it work as a second joystick 2 :dribble:
Good job!
I posted a small drawing of where you need to solder the wires.
If you need more explained let me know.
And as for the second joystick this is exactly what it is and thats the way my joystick is mapped right now for Coded Arms. :D
I mapped X O [ ] /\ and R Trigger.
Like I said you can map any 5 buttons you like in the RemaPSP and it will work.
Here is the original locoremoto.txt edited with the needed keys for X O [ ] /\ and R Trigger. (
Just copy this to remaps folder of the CWcheat program.
how about soldering a razor x or something and make it a removable dual analog.....
I'm not positive but unfortunately I don't think a Razor X would work because it only has 5 Soldering points.
And for this to work you would need 8 because for the PSP to read the Razor X you still need the PSP remote.
And without 8 soldering points it won't.
If you look at this image:
See how there is 8 locations for 8 wires?
So do you understand why a Razor X can't work?
can you map the buttons so you can have a removable L2R2 mod?
Nice work Electro, you've always got cool new ideas. :hifive:
I'm not positive but unfortunately I don't think a Razor X would work because it only has 5 Soldering points.
And for this to work you would need 8 because for the PSP to read the Razor X you still need the PSP remote.
And without 8 soldering points it won't.
Do the buttons contacts on the remote PCB share a common ground? It is hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like they might. If this is true, then you would be able to use the razor X with only five wires (4 buttons + GND).
can you map the buttons so you can have a removable L2R2 mod?
Sure you can.
I actually thought about that, but you would still need to map it to the D-Pad or Joystick. :)
Nice work Electro, you've always got cool new ideas. :hifive:
Do the buttons contacts on the remote PCB share a common ground? It is hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like they might. If this is true, then you would be able to use the razor X with only five wires (4 buttons + GND).
I'm not sure, I just soldered wires to the existing buttons.
Lol thats awesome! Nice work :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup:
Well i assume ur gonna make a TUT for this..
You need a TUT?
All you do is solder 10 wires to the locations in red in the drawing I made.
And the rest go to any buttons you use. :winker:
Oh woops :wacko: i musta missed that....
My bad Electro i never said that... lol
will this work with third party remotes and the psp slim? if it does I'm so doing this to my psp
Yes it will work with any remote.
I have done a bunch of reading and you can use any combination of buttons you want.
By the way, I have never done a razor but I think one side of all the switches are tied to ground.
So the razor should only take four inputs to use.
Since I have seen this post I have wired the PSP to my PC and I can send 5 keystrokes from my pc to the PSP.
I researched the original information that was done back in 2004,2005 and found there IS power at the
headphone contacts. But you have to send information to the PSP within 60ms of plugging it in or the PSP turns
it off. There is 2.5volts at the connector to power external devices.
All this was found a long time ago and then forgotten. There are even two pins on the control next to the
headphone jack that are microphone inputs. That is what the Skype headset uses to input the microphone
for Skype.
I am basing my work on most of the people that worked very hard to figure this all out.
To hook the PSP to a PC you just use an rs232 converter chip and talk to the PSP at 4800b n 8 1.
And believe it or not the PCB in the remote control is made by MICROCHIP the makers of the PIC chips
Now I have sent a message to some of my friends to find out if I can get the code for the PSP that controls
the PSP side of the serial port. The command structure that is there can decode 65.536 different keystrokes
from external devices.
Would be sorta nice if we could hook a complete rumble pad through the headphone connector.
Or a full size keyboard, or , or , or ,or.
This is really a great mod that could lead to even greater mods.
Electro, I know why you are having the problem. In remapsp the external buttons are or'ed with the internal
buttons. What you need to do is remap the internal volume buttons to different buttons in the PSP.
Say just during the game remap your volume buttons to the screen brightness and the note buttons.
Then map the remo buttons to the game functions you want to do.
That will keep you from changing the volume when you use the volume up down on the remote.
( I have the source code for remapsp and can see what it is doing )
BTW you can run remapsp without cwcheats.
:censored: I so want the PSP side of the serial port software so we can do anything through it we want.
Thanks Electro for bringing back some of the really kewl stuff that was done back at the beginning
and maybe we can really soup it up !
i think it can be soldered to a razor x but we will need a redesigned razor x ..... i mean something like this ( (
i hope you get it.... when the nub will be moved it would connect those contact points....
and also maybe you can just modify a razor x to give it similar basic functioning ......
Good job dude You never seem to stop amazing me :)
Wow! i just noticed this had been made. Great work Electro. :tup:
Is this on a slim or phat and is there any difference between their remote ports apart from the size?
The pin out on the PSP 1000 and 2000 are different.
But the insides of the remote are the same.
I even have a remote for the Sony Clie' PDA and that is the same design. Headphone and connections plug
into the PSP even.
The reason you could not get remapsp to work is that the PSP sends data to the remote and has to see
a response in 60 milliseconds or it just shuts down the power to the port.
The PSP communicates with the microcontroller inside the remote control using RS232 serial
communication (although the voltages are different of course, 0V and +2.5V)
using 8N1 framing at 4800bps. The protocol consists of command packages
which can be send by either the PSP or the remote control. A package is
exchanged as follows:
Sender Receiver Explanation
0xF0 Request to transmit
0xF8 Clearance to transmit
0xFD Packet starts
cmd Command code + phase
params ... Zero or more bytes of parameter data
checksum XOR of the cmd and params bytes
0xFE Packet ends
0xFA/0xFB Packet received correctly
If the packet is not received correctly, or the receiver is too busy to allow
the packet to be transmitted, the corresponding 0xFA/0xFB/0xF8 is not sent,
in which case the sender should wait a while (60 ms) and then try again from
the 0xF0.
If no answer is received in a long time (> 1s), a BREAK can be sent to reset the
communication channel, after which the state should be the same as if the
remote control had been disconnected and reconnected again.
The least significant bit of the cmd byte is the phase
indicator, which is used to differentiate a new command from the
retransmission of an old one. The first packet sent from a particular device
has phase 0 (LSB = 0), and is acknowledged with 0xFA. Then the phase is
inverted each time a new packets is sent. Packets with phase 1 are acknowledged
with 0xFB. Phase is not shared, so when the PSP sends a packet it does not
affect the phase of the remote control, and vice versa.
Note that there seems to be no particular way to know how many parameter bytes
are contained in the message, as the parameter bytes or the checksum could
contain an 0xFE as well. It is therefore necessary to know how many parameter
bytes each command takes.
The command sent by the remote control to inform the PSP of what buttons are
pressed is 0x84. It takes two parameter bytes, which if interpreted as a 16-bit
integer (little endian) forms a bitfield.
Inside the remote, there is a chip that is covered with a heat sink. But we have
a pretty good idea it is a PIC because the PCB has a Microchip label on it.
So until we get a PIC programmed to replace it, take apart a remote and tie
your external inputs to the button positions on that.
Would be sorta nice if we could hook a complete rumble pad through the headphone connector.
Or a full size keyboard, or , or , or ,or.
This is really a great mod that could lead to even greater mods.
Electro, I know why you are having the problem. In remapsp the external buttons are or'ed with the internal
buttons. What you need to do is remap the internal volume buttons to different buttons in the PSP.
Say just during the game remap your volume buttons to the screen brightness and the note buttons.
Then map the remo buttons to the game functions you want to do.
That will keep you from changing the volume when you use the volume up down on the remote.
( I have the source code for remapsp and can see what it is doing )
:censored: I so want the PSP side of the serial port software so we can do anything through it we want.
Thanks Electro for bringing back some of the really kewl stuff that was done back at the beginning
and maybe we can really soup it up !
Yeah I wish we could use a PS2 joystick or something. :D
And you said I should remap the external buttons with the internal buttons.
I understand how this would help, but I have no idea on how to do that.
Can you show me an example or just retype the below text a bit and remap
the internal volume to the screen brightness and the note buttons?
I'm using the original locoremote.txt.
And I changed it a bit:
+d_up # Digital Up
+d_right # Digital Right
+d_down # Digital Down
+d_left # Digital Left
+triangle +r_up # Triangle
+circle +r_left # Circle
+cross +r_down # Cross
+square +r_right # Square
+start # Start
+select # Select
+ltrigger # L Trigger
+rtrigger +r_play # R Trigger
+ana_up # Analog Up
+ana_right # Analog Right
+ana_down # Analog Down
+ana_left # Analog Left
i think it can be soldered to a razor x but we will need a redesigned razor x ..... i mean something like this ( (
i hope you get it.... when the nub will be moved it would connect those contact points....
and also maybe you can just modify a razor x to give it similar basic functioning ......
Yes I get you drawing and I think that would totally work.
You have the 8 convecting points and all you need is the top part to be a + and I'm sure that's what you had in mind. :)
Great idea. :tup:
Is this on a slim or phat and is there any difference between their remote ports apart from the size?
This is on a phat psp, but I think it can also be done on a Slim PSP remote if RemaPSP were to supports it.
I'm not sure but I think the current RemaPSP app would need to be recoded to work on the Slim PSP's remote.
But like I said I'm not sure I'm not a programmer.
Ones again I'm glad you guys like this MOD. :tup:
I will get and post a commented file so anyone can remap the keys any way they want
Sweet thanks. :hifive:
I'm tired and can't concentrate .. kinda lost in this topic, but will we simply be able to connect a full external controller (Like DualShock1) to the PSP via the Remote?, if so what about the response/lag issues?
I don't know about a full external controller there would need to be code for that.
I am working on getting the PSP side of the code.
If we can expand the table that is already there.
Then we could map any button from an external device to
any internal button.
Like I said I have sent a message to someone that knows the internal
code very very well and I am waiting for a response.
I'm sticking with the removable L2R2 mod for now
The source code for the PSP has been supplied to me.
I will work on a proof of concept and have a video and tutorial in a couple of weeks.
I am swamped trying to finish the tutorial for nethostfs on the NSLU2, I am not
slowing that project down.
The POC will be an external joystick plugged into the serial headphone port.
Running a remapping program to map the joystick buttons to the internal
You will use mapping files so you can have different buttons mapped in different
We now have both sides so we will proceed.
sweet, I can't wait for a simple ps2 controller mod
I was researching the code while I was doing some other things.
The original remapsp WILL remap the analogue controls !!!
So yes we will be able to use the analogue of an external joystick !
And the base code also has RAPID FIRE !
I will keep those functions
Man are you a robot you seam to be too good with all this stuff. What search engine do you use.
I cant wait sound like it will be sweet with a rapid fire feature.
I use google.
I used to teach a class on how to search the internet.
It is all out there for you if you just know how to search for it.
The serial mod:
Let me give you some links
Start here: (
Next here: (
Then here: (
and Here: (
and here: ( ( (
Just some light reading.
If you know the GPS interface that was done for the PSP ?
I have the source code for that too. It allows unlimited serial communications
through the headphone jack. Remapsp remaps the psp internal buttons.
I have the source code for that too. So if I marry the two softwares together
we can take a small PIC and put it in a PS2 joystick, use one of the cables
I gave you the link to and we will have a complete functioning joystick that
we can map any way we want it for each individual game. No wiring inside
the PSP. Just plug and go, powered by the PSP !
How cool is that for a mod ?
that is way cool
so do you use like the Google language when searching all the special fancy stuff.
Google and only google
C'mon ppl don't drop this development, this is a most wanted mod, to use an external controller
with no internal modding .. unbelievable, so .. gr8npwrfl where are u at now?
did u partially stopped working on this? u were waiting for the codes and no news since
u got them ... I just hope this project ends successfully. ^_^
I am building a joystick right now
I am using a stock PS2 joystick.
I am embeding a PIC cpu in the joystick all wiring is in the joystick ONLY
The cable from the joystick to the PSP is a headphone remote cable
Both the PSP phat and PSP slim will be supported just different cable ends
The cable will plug into the headphone joystick port on the PSP and get
its power from the PSP.
You will load up a modified version of remapsp. So you can map any button
on the joystick to any button in the PSP. INCLUDING the analogue sticks.
The joystick buttons will be logic ORED with the internal buttons so they
are both active at the same time.
Once the joystick is built, you load up your favorite CFW and a custom remapsp.prx
and plug it in and you are flying.
Parts are already starting to arrive at my house.
I have even found a supplier for the cable end that fits the PSP 5 connectors for $10.00
You can then use the stock cable that is stress relieved into the controller that way.
Programming for the PIC is software that scans a key matrix that I already have written
for another project that is in production already and all the pic has to do is convert to
serial and send it to the PSP 4800 baud, no parity bits, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.
The software for the PSP side is already written. As soon as I have all the parts it should
take me about a week to build the first unit and do a proof of concept video.
Then maybe a week to complete the tutorials on it.
Is that what you want to know ?
YES sounds great i can do write ups :hifive:
be sure to tell when your done so I can do it :drunk:
I have my controller taken apart now and I am looking at it.
There is a lot of empty space here.
Since we are already plugged into the headphone port
what if we bring the audio up to the joystick so we can
amplify it and put a set of larger speakers in the joystick ?
Matter of fact if I use a pic with an A/D converter
I could frequency discriminate the audio and make the
rumble work from the base that comes from the PSP
and make the rumble pad work also ?
It would work just like a sub woofer does, just instead
of going to a speaker we drive the rumble motor ?
it would be cool, but for now all I want is a ps2 controller to work
Even better, I found the code to read a ps2 controller.
If I can find some connectors we could put the small interface into a box
that plugs into the PSP headphone port and any stock ps2 compatible
controller would plug into our box.
NO WIRING IN EITHER CONTROLLER just a small adapter box !
Now where can I get a couple of ps2 joystick sockets ???????
extension cords would be your cheapest bet. I'll see if I can find some on DX
EDIT: I couldn't find any on DX, but I did find a cheap 4 player adaptor that you could desolder the connectors off of. (
here is a lot of 12 extension cords on ebay
I found this on ebay, there is this recoil ps2 extension cord that also has slots for gamecube and xbox, maybe you can get that use all three slots? :dribble: (
Well I will let the cat out of the bag
I just ordered the wireless ps2 gamepad from DX tonight
This is the one that comes with the usb adapter
I am going to take the usb adapter and steal the connector from it.
I just ordered 5 pic 18LF4550 40 pin dip processors tonight
The processor has 3 serial ports and 13 10 bit A/D converters built in.
The PS2 wireless controller will plug into a small box.
One serial port will talk to the PS2 controller
Another serial port will talk to the PSP.
The left and right audio channels will get amplified and fed to two speakers
in the box.
The left and right audio channels will feed into two of the A/D converters
The PIC will convert all button functions of the PS2 controller and feed them
to the PSP into the modified remapsp program which will allow you to map any
button or joystick to any button or joystick in the PSP.
At the same time the PIC will do frequency discrimination on the audio
channels of the PSP and take any frequency of less the 100 cycles and convert
that to rumble on off commands to the joystick.
There will be a headphone cable from the box to the PSP getting the audio and
sending the data to the PSP.
The Joystick I will be running for the test will be WIRELESS
The small box will be totally powered from the PSP.
No mods in the PSP
No mods to the PS2 joystick
Just plug add software and play.
All soldering in remote box only.
Any PS2 compatible joystick will work, wired or wireless
You can have configuration files for different mapping for each game
Volume control for the external amp controlled by PSP volume control
I already have all the code for the PIC processor that has been tested
and talks to the PS2 joystick. The speed of the serial port was the
only software that had to change and I have made that already.
I have remapsp already working.
First pass will be just the joystick for Proof of Concept
Then I will add the amplifier and rumble to complete
BTW the PICs are $4.00 each in single quantities.
That's great mate, keep up the good work, we'll be waiting for the PoC video, im excited.
about the controller ... u said any PS2 compatible controller will work, well .. I need details here
the PS2 controllers uses DualShock2 PCB, but the PS2 also support DualShock1 PCB controllers
which are originally PS1's, now .. will the adapter box ur going to build will support it?
i mean the PS1 controller?, because those DualShock1 PCBs are the easiest to hack and wire out the button signals and ground to use them
for ur own custom built controller "Arcade stick for example" or any special controller like the
one im about to finish building. ( (
As far as I know right now without testing
If you can plug it in to a PS2 and use it
it will work on my mod
EHHM....If i may clarify for the all great and powerful modder Gr8npwrfl :hifive:
This project involves programming a pic with what essentially would be like drivers on a computer where mass storage is a driver that many devices work under such as ipods thumb drives and your psp acts as one with the mspd when plugged into a PC. The "drivers" on the pic will be ported versions of the original software on the PS2 that lets you use any type of controller and he can add the ones from a ps3 and ps1 so it can potently be compatible with any controller play station, xbox, game cube, and atari just depends on how much code ppl are willing to convert but ps2 controller alone is enough to play any games the psp will be able to emulate. So your homemade controller should work on psp and any other ps2 controllers you have will be plug and play no mods needed the pic will be inside the box you are plugging into that plugs into psp.
Excellent, a fully functional unmodified external Ps2 controller has always been one of the mods I have most wanted to see for the PSP. Gr8npwrfl, I assume you are working with the PIC18F4550 code and schematics from Curious Inventor ( for reading the Ps2 controller? Do you plan to power this from an additional battery in the box, or from another source?
There are commercially produced breakout cables ( for the Ps2 controllers that can be found on robotics sites for around $5.00 each, though there must be a source for just the connectors if they are used in low production products like this. The challenge there is also finding a source that allows single orders. I think dslitemodder has a good idea in cutting the female ends off some cheap extension cables. PC cd audio cables will also fit directly over the pins on the controller connector nicely for testing purposes.
DrgnSlyr, since you will be hardwiring the buttons for your project anyway, you can cut out the Ps2 controller and just read the button states directly from the PIC. I think there should be plenty of I/O pins left on the PIC18F4550 for what you want to do.
I ordered a new joystick from DX extreme it is the lightup wireless ps2 rumble pad.
It comes with the PS2 wireless adapter made to plug into the PS2
It also comes with a PS2 to usb adapter. I will take the PS2 to usb adapter and steal the
connector from it.
Because the 18F4550 has a usb host in it, I am going to put a usb connector on the box
and a ps2 keyboard connector on the box also.
anything low speed we then should be able to interface, as long as we can run
usb human interface drivers.
Also a standard pc keyboard should be able to plug in.
The 18F4550 has 32 i/o pins, what we don't use can be used for other interfacing
like someone wanted to do a DJ interface.
I also understand the code that I am using in the 18F4550 also will interface
to a guitar hero interface also.
I have full intention of leaving this entire interface wide open for other people to
use and interface to.
And maybe even a bluetooth dongle even ????
I will use a standard side prototyping board so there will be plenty of room
for extras.
I am a little worried about the audio amp, that might be a little much to
run from the PSP.
Hell I might even be willing to design a PCB for it and then you only have
to put the parts in you want.
I have one of the inexpensive charging stations from DX extreme. It has the
plug ins for the headphone and the charger, that could be mounted on top
a flat box the whole PSP sits on and interfaces to the plugs.
WOW I'm glad everyone has taken a great interest in this project.
Good luck to you gr8npwrfl. :hifive:
It's not really luck.
Not really something new.
Just putting together stuff that other people have done, and changing it a little
I'm sorry if this question is overly stupid, but could you effectively use a multi-tap with your mod gr8npwrfl? I'm guessing the answer is no since you can probably only use the buttons that the psp already has, but I thought I'd register anyways just to ask.
didn't u make the PoC video yet Gr8npwrfl ?
he probably hasn't got his parts yet. it's only been a week, it takes long to get them from DX
Ok what do you mean by multi-tap ?
Just got the connectors and PSP remotes. Haven't got the PIC's yet.
I will make a proof of concept video of typing on the PC hooked up
to the PSP through the serial port.
My joysticks shipped yesterday, still have not heard on the other parts yet
you know how the ps2 has only two controller ports right? well the multi-tap is an adaptor that plugs into a controller port and gives it four more controller slots. it's like this.
I will make a proof of concept video of typing on the PC hooked up
to the PSP through the serial port.
Will you be modifying the psp_remote v1.00 code to send additional commands beyond emulation of the remote? Or using/coding something else? Not having a PSP remote, I have been using the psp_remote v1.00 app and serial line converter circuit (both located here ( to try out remapsp with serial input.
The interface that I have laid out will accept a PC keyboard, a PS2/PS3 joystick and a stereo amp.
I have built that serial interface and have it running that you are showing.
The 4550 will be running the code to read an unmodified Joystick, I have taken part of remapsp and pikey
so that everything can be remapped in the PSP. I am adding the code to read a PC keyboard and send it to
Pikey so that any time the PSP calls for keyboard input. you can take the keyboard and type the input
You will be able to run multiple configuration files so you can have different mapping for different games.
I also was going to put a TTL serial connector so other people can interface whatever they want.
The mutli-tap that you are talking about requires drivers to be present to run. As the PSP is not a multi-player
console there was no use for the second joystick.
I intend to go straight to the 4550 chip and not do any steps in between time.
Well, I was thinking more along the lines of using it for homebrew and emulators. Just think how cool it would be to be able to play N64 games like SSB with three other people using just one PSP. But impossible is impossible.
it's not impossible, it just requires drivers.
Well, I was thinking more along the lines of using it for homebrew and emulators. Just think how cool it would be to be able to play N64 games like SSB with three other people using just one PSP. But impossible is impossible.
As far as I know and all emulators I have played "NeoGeo, MAME (CPS2), Sega, NES", none of them had the option to configure a player2 or player3 buttons, it's all about single player
even with emulators, some has WiFi multiplayer compatibility, but still multi-tap won't serve
any good here.
but, i think, if those drivers were released, there will be developers who'll make homebrews
supporting the multi-tap :)
Updated my mod made it easeyer to change headphones. :w00t:
:censored: You could even do a small box that had an
interface to a full keyboard !!!
lmao, his USB keyboard and small box mod haha