Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: noksPSP on August 04, 2008, 09:06:56 AM
hi guys i just want to share my diagram on how modd your psp slim trigger and keypad modz...
mod and admins kindly change my username from noksPSP to nokmarvin...
that is my real name....mabuhay phillipines
Uhm, this isn't 'by' you...this was by Nic0...and has been done tons of times..
I see no keypad mod..............
And ya you didnt do this nic0 did.
Also i dont think that will work....
It won't.
sorry guys i make my own diagram to make it clear...
lordnico sorry....
You don't need to be sorry for anything dude. We were just pointing out that it won't work and that you didn't come up with it, that's all. It's not like you did anything wrong.
mate my psp slim is working for that diagram....
First off the switch is shown wired wrong >_> That's the only thing wrong...
Oh...I'm thinking just like a regular switch, where if it's to the left it connects pins 1 and 2, and if it's to the right it connects pins 2 and 3 together. If it followed that then this wouldn't do anything, it would connect the 2 together but the led gnd is wired to only pin 3, so it would always be connected.
Of course I haven't dealt with Psps in foreverrrr so I guess I'm wrong >_>
no the switch is wrong he did direct contact it would only work if he used a lm386. direct needs the ground and + from the speakers
Woo I am right ^^ Kinda sorta. xD
ya kicks is right that will not work i have tried it you need the negative from the speakers unless you use the lm386 witch in the circuit is just connected to the ground
have u tested? How bout u go try and learn that you are infact wrong.....
folk said it i said it kicks said it...... 3 to 1, and i think if taht was possible people would be doing that all the time...
we arent that dumb dude
here is the proof...
some say is not working...
but it is 100% working... (
i get the positive to the speaker and i get the negative to the wifi that if i want to turn it off just switch off the wifi...
but the wifi is always on....
but its not sound reactive....
yah its not a sound reactive....
ok the 1st thing
i dont get is why the hell are you getting the power from the speakers..?
2nd= where is the keypad mod?