
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: shyboi122 on August 11, 2008, 12:24:04 AM

Title: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: shyboi122 on August 11, 2008, 12:24:04 AM
I'm not new to the psp scene just new to this site so don't think I'm a noob.  :huh:

Some things that you should know

I am on CFW, to be specific 4.01 M33-2.
I am near a wifi signal.
The WLAN is turned on.


Ok, my problem is that the wifi on my psp doesn't work. The little green light doesn't show up and this error message is given:

"An internal error has occurred.

I have throughly researched it and found out that the wifi card is broken is some way. (I know it's not a firmware problem because I have already tried switching firmware and that didn't help, also, I have already tried resetting all the settings and everything else that is given on the net and they don't work)

I know there are tutorials on this site, and on the internet, for fixing the wifi card, but they are all for the FAT. Really, every single one of them I have found. (BTW I HAVE A SLIM)

I think the fat and the slim are probably similar in structure, but I don't want to follow that tutorial and take unnecessary risks because if I mess it up, I am not getting a new one. LOL.

Any sort of



ADVICE (especially on where the slim differs from the fat in structure so I know where to do something different if I decide to follow the tutorial for fixing the wifi on a fat)

would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You for reading.   :hifive:
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: Tri-edge on August 11, 2008, 12:38:35 AM
did you make sure that the switch was set to on?
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: Sanctus on August 11, 2008, 02:30:06 AM
did you make sure that the switch was set to on?

I don't think it's that because it would say "The WLAN switch on the PSP system is not turned on"
I have no idea sorry, I will be interested to know the issue
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: Tri-edge on August 11, 2008, 07:00:27 AM
just making sure  :cool:
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: RoBot1ks on August 11, 2008, 07:30:43 AM
other than that, does your psp work fine? like umd's??
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: ApheX on August 11, 2008, 07:44:56 AM
i had a similer code for my phat psp ages ago. in the end i had to replace it. unfortunatly i haven't seen slim wifi replacements. i'm sure there are some but i was under the impression that the wifi was intergated on the mobo. might be wrong tho.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: RoBot1ks on August 11, 2008, 07:50:23 AM
i had a similer code for my phat psp ages ago. in the end i had to replace it. unfortunatly i haven't seen slim wifi replacements. i'm sure there are some but i was under the impression that the wifi was intergated on the mobo. might be wrong tho.
each slim has its own idkeys/nand. they arent interchangeable?(idk about nand). If the idkeys are corrupted, neither the wifi or umd will read..also if you hit the display button it will go in reverse order. idk if this is your case, but if it is, you need a new mobo if you want wifi. in other words if you dont have a back up to your idkeys then youre screwed...unless a wire is loose
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: ApheX on August 11, 2008, 07:56:46 AM
wasn't there a program that updated the keys on the nand. when i changed my wifi, it wouldn't work corretly. so i found a key cleaner that found the problem and fixed the wifi. had no problems after that.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: LeadBaron on August 11, 2008, 08:04:04 AM
Yes, that is the WiFi board dislodged/disconnected/broken code. Replace it, re-connect it, or smack it to fix it.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: RoBot1ks on August 11, 2008, 08:25:58 AM
wasn't there a program that updated the keys on the nand. when i changed my wifi, it wouldn't work corretly. so i found a key cleaner that found the problem and fixed the wifi. had no problems after that.
I think it was from willy chilly or something like that
This forum thread may have some useful info.....THIS IS THE LINK..CLICK (
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: shyboi122 on August 11, 2008, 05:36:16 PM
all right thanks everyone
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: RoBot1ks on August 11, 2008, 06:16:50 PM
did u figure it out?
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: shyboi122 on August 15, 2008, 11:59:06 PM
Nope.  Everywhere I go no one can really help me.  Thanks for trying though everyone.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: ramayanalang on August 16, 2008, 12:17:21 AM
maybe it's because your not on a wifi zone...
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: ApheX on August 16, 2008, 01:05:15 AM
no, even if he wasn't it should still be able to proform a scan. i'm not sure if you found it but the chilly willy program may help. apart from that, i'm out of ideas as to what could be the problem.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: shyboi122 on August 17, 2008, 06:35:29 PM
All right thanks everyone again.  I will look into the Chilly Willy program.   :hifive:
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: shyboi122 on August 30, 2008, 05:10:24 PM
Nope, the program didn't work for me.

Can someone else help me plz.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: Bhawan on August 30, 2008, 10:24:34 PM
omg ppl dont you kno that wlan and umd keys stored in key 0x100 to 0x106 are not fixable with key cleaner or idstorage manager.... for more info on that -

and also dude there is a way to fix those keys... try this.

make backups of your NAND and Idstorage and keep then in a safe place and make sure you label them

then download and install dc7 and run it ..

go to idstorage tools then select create new idstorage ..... and folllow the on screen instructions... and when done. try WLAN.

if it works you are ok...

and if it doesnt work flash/resote your NAND using the backup that you made.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: shyboi122 on September 04, 2008, 12:07:13 AM
All, right dude.  I just tried it out and NOPE.  It didn't work for me.

As I said b4 I really don't think this is a firmware or software problem. 
My little brother has dropped it on multiple occasions so I;m guessing the WLAN to be broken.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: djsho on September 04, 2008, 03:19:47 AM

i work for one of the gameshops in singapore, and this one of the common problem with dropped sets.

Problem ( From the sets brought in by our customers )
1) Wifi Clip dislodged ( Open up ur set , and put it back )
2) Wifi Wire Broke ( Re-solder it back )
3) Wifi Clip Broken ( Solder the remaining wires onto the Circular wifi head. )


You can try to Replace the Wifi Module.
It consist of
a) Metal circular clip
b) Wire
c) Wifi Ribbon + sensor

Its cheap :D . Ard USD 20 or below :D

Remember to use Key Cleaner after u replace it :D
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: shyboi122 on September 04, 2008, 09:48:22 PM
Any tutorials on how to do this dude?  I would really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: djsho on September 05, 2008, 02:40:32 AM
1st off.. u needa open up ur psp.. and let us see wads actually wrong with it ._.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: shyboi122 on September 05, 2008, 08:32:00 PM
Well, yeah.  But I don't want to take any chances.   :cry2:

Does anyone have a tut?   :beg:
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: Jumbo on September 06, 2008, 06:54:42 AM

We told you how to fix it already and if that doesn't work you probably HAVE to open the psp and if you don't wanna do that sell it of live with no wifi.

There aren't tut for every damn problem and i don't think anyone cares enough to make one for you because tuts take a pretty long time.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: TaSlAyEr on September 06, 2008, 10:02:40 AM
damn jumbo your starting to sound like pspkicks lol  :rofl:
but ya the only way i would think to fix it is to crack it open remove the old wifi and put in a new one  :hifive:
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: Jumbo on September 06, 2008, 11:00:42 AM
damn jumbo your starting to sound like pspkicks lol  :rofl:
but ya the only way i would think to fix it is to crack it open remove the old wifi and put in a new one  :hifive:

I dont think i sound like kicks im just saying what is true...well kicks says what is true too lol
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: TaSlAyEr on September 06, 2008, 06:13:51 PM
lol whatever
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: shyboi122 on September 07, 2008, 11:54:52 AM
Sorry for pissing you off Jumbo.  Didn't mean to.

But It's not as simple as just popping off the cap and there you go.
One mistake and it's over, why do you think they have a whole tut for the fat?
Guess I've got as much help as I'm going to get here.  Thank you everyone who mentioned something.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: Jumbo on September 07, 2008, 12:11:44 PM
Sorry for pissing you off Jumbo.  Didn't mean to.

But It's not as simple as just popping off the cap and there you go.
One mistake and it's over, why do you think they have a whole tut for the fat?
Guess I've got as much help as I'm going to get here.  Thank you everyone who mentioned something.

I dont get what you are talking about. Whole tut for the phat..ABOUT WHAT!?

There are tuts for slim almost the same amount as we have for slim...

And no crap its not about just pop the top off and there you go its called follow the TUT on how to disassemble. (
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: TaSlAyEr on September 07, 2008, 02:40:40 PM
I dont get what you are talking about. Whole tut for the phat..ABOUT WHAT!?

There are tuts for slim almost the same amount as we have for slim...

And no crap its not about just pop the top off and there you go its called follow the TUT on how to disassemble. (
all you need now is a new wifi board for the slim
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: psp339 on September 07, 2008, 03:17:16 PM
all you need now is a new wifi board for the slim
You can't get a new wifi board. the Wifi is built into mobo.
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: crashman2k7 on September 07, 2008, 11:54:05 PM
i dont dont sunny here understand how ez is it to open a Slim XD
PSP SLIM has no wires (speakers) so u wont be twisting or ttearing the wires
the entire thing is about 7 screws and the screen pop right off
the rest of the component u can use ur simple fingers to remove the home bar, and the screen.  and voila the wifi chip is exposed*claps*
.... dude if planing on trying to fix a psp by ur self u need to get messy if not mite as well just get a new one ,
it like saying hey my car wont start let hope tommorow it starT:)
in the other hand pop open the hood and JuMP that thang! LOL

but those are my own 2 cents ;)
Title: Re: Help! Wifi not working on SLIM
Post by: baneweaver on September 10, 2008, 01:11:02 PM
i guess i feel the same way as you do for opening the thing up.

Maybe the wifi switch is jammed?

If i were you, i would try to send it into sony to get it fixed.
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