
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: sorrow2790 on August 21, 2008, 01:33:23 PM

Title: MoBo connectors problem...Desperatly need help!!!
Post by: sorrow2790 on August 21, 2008, 01:33:23 PM
Hey guys! :hifive:I have recently bought an used Slim for cheap,20 euros!!!!I intended to use it for selling spare parts,because I have a phat one but i have noticed that the only problem that it had was the backlight fuse.I soldered it but the previous owner in his atempt to fix it must have opened and closed the psp hundreds of times so now it has no screws (ill buy new ones if I can fix it) and there are some pices in the motherboard that have lost its strenght.Im talking about the pieces where you connect the cables from the TFT,powerboard,etc...(sorry about my english but I cant explain better...)So,my question is,is it possible to replace them???If yes,can you tell me how??Thanks in advance!!!
Title: Re: MoBo connectors problem...Desperatly need help!!!
Post by: Sanctus on August 21, 2008, 11:07:21 PM
Hey guys! :hifive:I have recently bought an used Slim for cheap,20 euros!!!!I intended to use it for selling spare parts,because I have a phat one but i have noticed that the only problem that it had was the backlight fuse.I soldered it but the previous owner in his atempt to fix it must have opened and closed the psp hundreds of times so now it has no screws (ill buy new ones if I can fix it) and there are some pices in the motherboard that have lost its strenght.Im talking about the pieces where you connect the cables from the TFT,powerboard,etc...(sorry about my english but I cant explain better...)So,my question is,is it possible to replace them???If yes,can you tell me how??Thanks in advance!!!

You mean the clamps? No there isn't unless you get a new mobo ect.. You could just use glue or something to hold them down.
Title: Re: MoBo connectors problem...Desperatly need help!!!
Post by: sorrow2790 on August 22, 2008, 12:39:53 AM
Yeah,thats it!!!!And wont it bring problems to glue them??For what I understood trough my research,the important is that the cables touch the clamps.But I have read somewhere that if you do not close the clamps(and two of them are missing its cover) the psp wont turn on...
Title: Re: MoBo connectors problem...Desperatly need help!!!
Post by: Sanctus on August 22, 2008, 01:52:44 AM
Yeah,thats it!!!!And wont it bring problems to glue them??For what I understood trough my research,the important is that the cables touch the clamps.But I have read somewhere that if you do not close the clamps(and two of them are missing its cover) the psp wont turn on...

The clamps just hold the ribbon in place. If you use glue it will work as long as you have the ribbon cable in place and your not using some sorta metal glue lol. Should work fine. Tbh my backlight ribbon clamp is broken, I don't even use glue or anything, and it stays in just fine... The problem with using glue is that it's a pain to get the ribbon cable out again if you ever needed too.
Title: Re: MoBo connectors problem...Desperatly need help!!!
Post by: sorrow2790 on August 22, 2008, 02:22:45 AM
Yeah...But if you say yours work fine,mine must not be different...I will try without the glue first.Thanks!!!! :tup:
Title: Re: MoBo connectors problem...Desperatly need help!!!
Post by: yngmike on August 27, 2008, 08:41:16 PM
I don't know if you've had any luck on this but I have had very good luck with HOT GLUE. Just make sure you use a low temp glue gun and wait .75 seconds before applying... it cools just enough to not burn your fingers(and ribbon cable) when you press down on the connection.

good luck...
Title: Re: MoBo connectors problem...Desperatly need help!!!
Post by: Sanctus on August 29, 2008, 04:54:22 PM
I don't know if you've had any luck on this but I have had very good luck with HOT GLUE. Just make sure you use a low temp glue gun and wait .75 seconds before applying... it cools just enough to not burn your fingers(and ribbon cable) when you press down on the connection.

good luck...

Thats what I did with my d-pad ribbon cable because the clamp wasn't holding it. Worked great.
Title: Re: MoBo connectors problem...Desperatly need help!!!
Post by: Tri-edge on August 29, 2008, 05:20:38 PM
can't you order the individual connectors off of digikey or sparkfun? just order some from there and switch clamps

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