
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: baneweaver on August 22, 2008, 11:31:38 AM

Title: Battery door... hmmm.....
Post by: baneweaver on August 22, 2008, 11:31:38 AM
Hey, just wondering if anyone would know the problem for this:

When i bought my psp slim i was really excited to play around with it but within 5 seconds i noticed something weird on the battery door, it was and still is wiggling around a little bit and i was wondering if this is common for a psp slim. At first, i really didn't pay any attention to it, but overtime, going on trips and stuff, it started to annoy me. A few nights ago i took the battery door out and look at it, seeing if there were any grooves, warps ETC. I did see one thing and that is this (i don't know if anyone can see this because of the camera quality):


If you could see this in real life, i'm pretty sure it is a bump on the plastic of the battery door.

Now, i have 2 questions, 1, is this normal? 2, will buying a new battery door fix this problem?

Please reply back!

Nemesis: Pics re-sized, thanks kicks for the image code

Title: Re: Battery door... hmmm.....
Post by: Jumbo on August 22, 2008, 11:42:46 AM
I cant see anything in that pic and it is HUGE.

But if its on the Battery Door buying a new one should fix the problem.
Title: Re: Battery door... hmmm.....
Post by: kink192 on August 22, 2008, 12:27:37 PM
mine has the same wiggly jiggly problem. i just pay it no mind and get back to playing. =D
Title: Re: Battery door... hmmm.....
Post by: PspKicks316 on August 22, 2008, 03:00:54 PM
[img width=xxx] link here [/ img]

Use it, and hold the camera farther away.
Title: Re: Battery door... hmmm.....
Post by: anthonyta on August 22, 2008, 11:13:44 PM
learn how to use macro mode dude it helps a lot
Title: Re: Battery door... hmmm.....
Post by: Thane on August 23, 2008, 12:37:57 AM
[img width=xxx] link here [/ img]

Use it, and hold the camera farther away.
learn how to use macro mode dude it helps a lot
thanks for the camera tips guys, really helped a lot about the battery door thingy. T_T

well what isit? a bump or something? if its on the edge of the door, just try scraping a little with a knife n sand it off to a smooth finish. butif its on the surface, try sanding it off too. might help. :victory:
Title: Re: Battery door... hmmm.....
Post by: PspKicks316 on August 23, 2008, 02:19:50 AM
really helped a lot about the battery door thingy. T_T
Nice sarcasm. Don't give me that crap, you can't help someone out if all they give you is an overly sized, screen raping, blurry picture. I've got a 1920x1200 HD screen on my 15"(I think) laptop, and it STILL screwed my screen up, so don't try saying it doesn't do it to others either.
If you could see this in real life, i'm pretty sure it is a bump on the plastic of the battery door.

Now, i have 2 questions, 1, is this normal? 2, will buying a new battery door fix this problem?
1, I dunno. 2,sure if there's no bump :taunt:

Just sand it down.
Title: Re: Battery door... hmmm.....
Post by: sethion on August 23, 2008, 07:10:17 PM
If you cant figure it out i would just go buy a replacement door as they only cost like $3-5 and you wont have to worry about it.
Title: Re: Battery door... hmmm.....
Post by: wtfisausername on August 24, 2008, 09:40:49 PM
yea, use marcro mode while taking pictures, the picture with the flower.

Not sure bout the battery door. but my new one doesn't move around too much it does move around though. Instead of buying one u could just do it getto style and tape it down, with like double sided tape, or single sided tape n make the loop thing to make it double sided. put the tape on the battery. put one horizontal n put one strip vertical.
that should work.
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