Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: folklord36 on August 25, 2008, 12:47:57 AM
Just finished the super speaker mod with 4 x 8 ohm speakers FLUSH in the umd door :#1: . They are amplifyed by 2 lm386 IC's only problems are verry low sound quality at low volume but the quality is good at high vollume I think I will add a switch to use the normal speakers at low volume. It is so loud that the psp turns it self off due to lack of amperage before I can turn it up all the way :fear:
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anyone in the U.S wana help me out with a white phat nub tip pm me for a price
wow nice man. :tup: I wish I could see it in real life, videos don't really give a clear demo.
EDIT: Real nice man awesome clean job
right on glad to see you got put together and working
thanks I kinda spoilid the surprise if I never said anything when you guys see it you would be amazed. Well Im still thinking if I should paint part of it I'll ley you guys help me decide but idk what paint to use to match a white psp slim. I will deff have pics tomarrow doubtfull today hope I have a PC to post pics tomarrow.
4 x 8ohm? that means you gotta do some calculations right? :/
wow, you must've known what you're doing. :hifive:
Oh, no! Multiplication and division! I can't comprehend single-digit equations!
Seriously, if you know your units (Ohms for resistance, amps for current, etc) then the calculations are simple.
4 x 8ohm? that means you gotta do some calculations right? :/
wow, you must've known what you're doing. :hifive:
That means he has 4 speakers that are 8ohms each...
That means he has 4 speakers that are 8ohms each...
T_T i know he got 4 speakers with 8ohms of resistance each. but, i cant relate the resistance values with the amp.
yes you are abosoloutly right thane there is a little bit more to it than what kicks said but prob cus he didnt read up on it as much as me and you when learning about amps for our mods if you read the data sheet on lm386 you will notice the amp has a max impedance rateing of 4 ohms, so how am I powering 8 ohm speakers with a 4 ohm amp? When you wire speakers in paralell the impedance is cut in half so 2 x 8ohm in paralell matches the 4 ohm rateing of the lm386 yes there is a litle bit of math to it but as LeadBaron said it is nothing more than simple multiplication and division and if you are wondering how I have 4 speakers is because of my stero setup I'm running 2 amps one for left one for right. Well I have a cam now so im putting it back togeather keep your eyes peeled for pics and youtube video in a few hours!
that looks awesome, for some reason, kind of goes good with the darth
Thanks guys got an update for you all notice at the begining of the new video how there is no sound but the leds fade on and off thats because the circut I made to run the speakers is also driveing my leds and when the circut gets power the capacitor charges and grounds out trough the leds when it powers on also this setup has the benifit of the leds being 100% off when there is no sound.
tha is one sick slim :dribble: :w00t: