
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => XBOX 360 => 360 Controllers / 360 Rapid Fire Controllers => Topic started by: KingMike_OS on August 26, 2008, 08:20:48 AM

Title: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: KingMike_OS on August 26, 2008, 08:20:48 AM
Me and Gameroms Looking for 6 people to beta test Upcoming projects

Rapidreload / RapidFire  ,  and  Dual Rapid fire with 3-mode speed select

I will pick 3 and he will pick 3 and will be posting there name once there selected

Don't email us or BEG us just Drop a line here that you want help.

Need to have xbox 360 with halo 3 and COD4 Games and have both type of Controller

Old style and new Style Board.


Good thing about being a tester is you will have all new programs before anyone!  and thers some cool stuff in development.

Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: Winterz117 on August 26, 2008, 08:48:26 AM
id like to be one of the testers, i dont have a new style board, but my friend does and i can use that. i have a wireless matrix board, and a cheap style wired i can test on. as for games i have halo3 and cod4, and others that rapidfire could work on, like gears of war and orange box. id love to help with the testing   :D thanks guys

::also, i just got a bunch of pic's in the mail 12f683, 12f675, etc. and im going to be building a programmer soon
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: Ack Like You Know on August 26, 2008, 09:39:46 AM
I'll help you guys test some stuff out. I've got a couple controllers handy. I've been working on my PS3 rapid fire mod and could squeeze a few of your testing in with mine. Got a bunch of PIC's floating around to test on as well. Let me know if I qualify.
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: mhawk134 on August 26, 2008, 09:55:46 AM
If I qualify sign me up, I've got a programmer and about 20-30 pics here, and about 6 controllers to test on, 2 matrix. I just went to radio shack today and bought a bunch of resisters, timers, and pic sockets to put in my controllers. I can make and edit vids also. I have a cap card to get a crystal clear image from the tv if needed. I've also got alot of 360 games, and can test on other fps games like gears of war, ect.

Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: mrp4443 on August 26, 2008, 10:42:14 AM
Hey kindmike, i can help if you want me to.
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: FrankieB4 on August 26, 2008, 11:11:27 AM
I would like to test, I just recieved 5 trigger kits from you, and have every game needed to test :)
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: TaSlAyEr on August 26, 2008, 11:22:37 AM
acidmods i will gladly be your test subject
i have h3 and cod4...somewere lol :rofl:
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: aditya on August 26, 2008, 11:50:46 AM
ill help i got both types of controllers =) i dont message here offten but i vist everyday :D
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: bill16504 on August 26, 2008, 12:07:21 PM
subscribed to thread
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: gameroms on August 26, 2008, 12:31:58 PM
Just so everyone knows a programer is not required to be a tester!  you can still be a tester long as you have skills to install it.  and are able to test and answer any questions we have.
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: hackeruk on August 26, 2008, 03:01:49 PM
id like to be one of the testers, i dont have a new style board, but my friend does and i can use that. i have a wireless matrix board, and a cheap style wired i can test on. as for games i have halo3 and cod4, and others that rapidfire could work on, like gears of war and orange box. id love to help with the testing   :D thanks guys

::also, i just got a bunch of pic's in the mail 12f683, 12f675, etc. and im going to be building a programmer soon

where did you get your buntch of pics from im lookin to buy a butch but cant find a gd place
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: dhh93 on August 26, 2008, 04:30:06 PM
i would like to test i know im a noobie but i just have bought over 30 chips from here. i have both controllers, and both games. just throwing my name in the hat.
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: Winterz117 on August 26, 2008, 05:20:18 PM
i actually ordered some free samples from they shipped them within a week for free hehe
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: JWhiteLightning on August 26, 2008, 08:37:52 PM
I would help, i have both types of controllers, a PIC programmer, some moderately good C programming skills( not much with PICs though, Mostly computer programs and some psp programming), I have cod 4 and have access to halo 3(through a friend), but my xbox just got the Rrod. I could probably use my friends after school though.
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: h311jump3r on August 26, 2008, 09:08:26 PM
I have programmer, around 20 12F683's and a controller...and xbox.
I have some moderate ASEMBLY knowledge and we can base our project with the project that Hazer contributed. I have programmed a chip before...ummm...ya...I have modded stuff. :D
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: xStang05 on August 26, 2008, 11:50:32 PM
I have all of that and more :) i'd like you to pick me
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: Jinn on August 27, 2008, 12:56:07 AM
I would like to help.  I have both style and I will install IC sockets to test sleeper and tact switches.
I also have other 1st and 3rd person shooter.
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: SillyNuts on August 27, 2008, 06:30:57 AM
sure id like to test some stuff / help mike

iv got old/new wired/wireless and cheepys to test on.
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: Modded Matt on October 01, 2008, 05:50:41 AM
I am fairly new to acid mods, but would be glad to help. I have all items you are asking for, I can follow directions well, and read the schematics. its up to you guys, good luck, and hope to see the new products out soon one way or another..LOL
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: xboxfreak9161 on October 02, 2008, 08:02:12 AM
I would be honored to help you guys test. I spend lots of time modding anything and everything that can be modded and love it. I have all different kinds of controllers and also a full 8, 16 and 32 pin micro controller programmer. I have 2 Xbox's one modded for gaming and the factory setting one for online gaming. Let me know if I qualify.

Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: conoven on October 02, 2008, 09:03:22 PM
For the two guys above me... this is old news... the mod is already out and the first batch ETA is tomorrow...

Just a heads up
Title: Re: Looking For 6 beta Tester . Upcoming Projects RR/RF and 3 Mode
Post by: gameroms on October 03, 2008, 11:24:06 AM
the previous poster is correct, this is over.  thanks to all.

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