
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: Lemcott on September 04, 2008, 05:38:36 PM

Title: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: Lemcott on September 04, 2008, 05:38:36 PM
any real point in Nico's soundboard or that amp?

i could just solder the leds right onto the speakers themselves, and i can still solder a the wifi or any other switch to power it without all that extra work/parts...
Title: Re: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: Jumbo on September 04, 2008, 06:05:57 PM

Get your facts right then ask again.
Title: Re: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: PspKicks316 on September 04, 2008, 07:21:20 PM

Get your facts right then ask again.
What's he wrong about??
He CAN just wire to the speakers, and he CAN just wire them to the wifi switch also to turn them on/off.
any real point in Nico's soundboard or that amp?
It's better. Plain and simple.
Title: Re: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: gx4702 on September 04, 2008, 08:59:03 PM
ooo how do you wire the lites up to the wlan switch usin direct connection?
Title: Re: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: Jumbo on September 05, 2008, 08:06:29 PM
any real point in Nico's soundboard or that amp?

i could just solder the leds right onto the speakers themselves, and i can still solder a the wifi or any other switch to power it without all that extra work/parts...

any real point in Mike's soundboard or that amp (Nice you mean LM386?)?

i could just solder the leds right onto the speakers themselves, and i can still solder a (to?) the wifi or any other switch to power it without all that extra work/parts...

But ya you can use Mike's board or the LM386 but you get the same result (Mikes is the LM386 way just on a pcb and its SMD so its smaller)

Or Direct Contact method but it will always be on or use a dip switch.

If you need more explanation you can PM me or MSN  :victory:

ooo how do you wire the lites up to the wlan switch usin direct connection?

You cant.
Title: Re: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: Lemcott on September 06, 2008, 09:37:18 PM
Oh!, sorry about the mistakes, I'm usually more careful, but I was tired from school/work and was just in the mood for a little modding.

I was referring to the LM386n amp, yes. And as for the soundboard, I simply put Nico to refer to the tut he has.

Here's a simple MSpaint 5 minute diagram:

I've already done this sorta thing with a 9v battery and three, 5mm leds for a school project, so I know this would work as far as wiring goes.

the new switch (im not going to mess with the WLAN) will be inside the UMD housing. I took the drive out long ago because all my totally legal backups and homebrew are run off of the MS card.

honestly, the only problem I could see happen with this is that the volume would decrease a little because some power is taken off of the speakers for the LEDs, and I never take the mute off unless Im already in a quite room or have headphones, so that doesnt bother me.
Title: Re: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: Jumbo on September 07, 2008, 06:03:45 AM

I dont see how that would work?
Title: Re: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: PspKicks316 on September 07, 2008, 09:57:35 AM
It won't.
Title: Re: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: Jumbo on September 07, 2008, 10:08:00 AM
Ya i looked better at is and there's no damn way that will work bro.

Ill make a better diagram for you. Using a on/off switch I don't get why you are using a three way?

Title: Re: psp sound reactive led mod questions
Post by: Lemcott on September 07, 2008, 04:18:24 PM
whoopsies! lol, I took a look at my original circuit test and saw what was wrong in that picture, should be fixed now:

it's not a 3 way... or wait maybe it is. but I thought a three way worked differently? like you have 2 switches so that they could each power something on or off, like 2 light switches on opposite ends of the room. this switch that I have has 3 connections. on my original circuit I had 2 sets of LED's, one connected to the right, one on the left, and the GND going to the middle. the + was directly connected to each. and depending which way i pushed it, those leds came on (i.e. i pushed it left, the green ones went on, right for the red, and the middle was off).
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