Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: treemty on October 12, 2008, 03:13:48 PM
Hey all.
I was thinkin to day while doing my laundry....I should make an acidmods t-shirt!
And then I was like I could even use my airbrush to do all i need to do is make a stencil and etc...
well anyway I was wondering if anybody would want one ?
and also if anybody would help me make 'em
I was going to put this under the paint and airbrushing section but I realized it has to do with everybody...we might even be able to sell em throught the acidmods shop and give most of the profits to the site to make it a better place(not saying its bad or anything)
but please tell me what you think about all this and If enough people think we should do it or even if just a couple people think so then i could start making them
please PM me if you have any ideas
thank you
We had a shop set up, I believe.
But then it was taken down I think.
Also, you don't airbrush a shirt...
We had a shop set up, I believe.
But then it was taken down I think.
Also, you don't airbrush a shirt...
you can though
i was tinkin it would be cheaper and easier than to order them from a company :tup:
id want a professional shirt :D. no offense treemty
I would like a professional made one more than a airbrushed one ...
I personally would not want an airbrushed shirt. EVER.
That's just not how you do it. You don't airbrush a shirt...
It's a good concept though. We should bring back the AM tees.
if you airbrush a t-shirt you are more likly to suffer from a lot of skin alagies.
notto mention it would come off in the wash
notto mention it would come off in the wash
true and they mite not smell nice when the paint heats up when you get hot
if you were to use fabric dye instead of paint it would work,and not stink,just make sure you get the dye mixed up good,and follow the directions to get the color to set(usually wash in cold water)but it does work,had it for a lame home ec project in middle school
wat about if i bought them from a compony?
i personally would like a company to make it, and like the back consisting of a list of available mods for each console(?)
a solid color t-shirt with logos or something. maybe a big picture of modded consoles converged on the front..(modded by peoplez of AM)
maybe someone on the art team would be willing to design a front or back, then a company could use that pic to put on the shirt
thats just some quick ideas i had :hifive:
Me and Chase where supposed to design some ages ago
supposed to...ages ago
lol what happened
Long story short , chase forgot then we couldnt be stuffed . Well We where supposed to meet up on msn and he didn't show
mmm i see
i want to be the outcast who walks up in school with a shirt that NOBODY knows about lol
plenty of people know about me modding but not about AM
i say find someone on here that knows how to silkscreen, my mom used to know how but that was a long time ago, it shouldnt be that hard but it may cost more then air brushing and it would definately look better [if done right]
No offense kink , But i think no one on this site knows slik screen
No offense kink , But i think no one on this site knows slik screen
says you. I have a teacher at school who has a professional machine that makes t-shirts. We sale them on campus all the time. It only costs like $20-30 to make a screen. As long as you provide the shirt it doesn't really cost anything else.
haha, get someone to hand embroid them. Lol that whud b alot of work.
Good idea though a acidmods T whud be wicked.
It would be sweet, We should buy them from a site though find a really cheap site (30$?) Get some designs made up buy in bulk (Cheaper per shirt?) Sell and raise money towards acidmods :dntknw:
you can airbrush a tshirt,put dye in the airbrush can instead of paint,I've don it a few times before and it works great.You CAN airbrush a tshirt so HA :tup:
even though im pretty new to acid mods I would definately buy an acidmods tee shirt if it looked pretty cool. If you look at the banner up top and see where it sais acidmods the nthe words under it and the lightning around it that would look cool but not the psp behind it ( not that i dont like psp just wouldnt be that awesome on a shirt. O Btw it shouldnt cost 30$ each because that is alot you can get a shir tto use for 5$ lol. Also airbrushing wouldnt be a good idea besides the other points, but it would be hard to get them all exactly the same... even with a stencil
im in
also - a friend of mine is an owner of a small company, that makes shirts, and all other that kind of stuff... so we can get professional ones, and cheaper...
altough prices in estonia are quite high, so im not sure, if it will be cheaper gettign them from here....
i would take care of sending them myself i guess, if it would happen ?
we need to find some way how to make the official design. We should have a contest on acidmods and pretty much the winning design gets to be on the t- shirts. That would probably work... :tup:
Ill help design ?
when i was in tech systems my frweshman yr they had a tshrit design stame kinda think
ud put in ur shirt and the design and it would heat up and put the design on teh shirt
heres kinda what ours looked like (
and its fairly cheap compaired to the others
ya you can get one of those machines for around 250$ when I wrestled in high school and when we went to tournaments that had one that they did it with. The shirts look extremely proffesional :hifive: There is also a place about 1 minute from my house that does this with one of these machines and they usualyl only do orders of like 10+ of the same shirt buyt im not sure how much it costs
ya you can get one of those machines for around 250$ when I wrestled in high school and when we went to tournaments that had one that they did it with. The shirts look extremely proffesional :hifive: There is also a place about 1 minute from my house that does this with one of these machines and they usualyl only do orders of like 10+ of the same shirt buyt im not sure how much it costs
You guys come up with some kind of concept... And I'll help you guys make it a reality
Do you mean as if we come up with the design and such for the shirt you can make em? Do you have one of these machines or what?
it would be cool to have an acidmods t-shirt if it was somthing kinda simple like the banner on the front or back,and it would be realy cool if you could order them with your name or sig on them
That might be going a little far :cool:
If you wanted you name and sig on it youd have to make a new thing for every single shirt
That might be going a little far
If you wanted you name and sig on it youd have to make a new thing for every single shirt
well i clicked the link to the press that was posted and as understand it each shirt would take its own copy of the image,so if you just used the same template and cut and paste the sig and name to it when you printed the image it would be personalized,and where there is a sig size limit here i just didnt think it would be to hard to add it to the template,but im not a photoshoper so i could be way off,it was just an idea
i would like to see this happen though,i would buy one if they look professional and not like the cheesy iron on ones you can do at home
hmm ya you might be right then :hifive:
Also I have seen the ones made by these machines and they look just like a shirt you would buy from somewhere, not cheap at all and very professional looking, but i guess it depends on how high quality the machine you are using is
i know i am new, but i would love to buy a tee! theres sites that if you give them a image of what you want on the shirt, they make it. I know a site, i just need to find it.. Ill be back to this post when i do.
well cafepress will do it but I find that there shirts are pretty poor quality also the images fade after being washed once or twice. I would rather one of us do it ourselves or go find a place like the one near my house to do it.
ken prolly can make them, as he said, so some1 make a topic in web art for shirt theme, and winner gets the shirt for free ?
ken prolly can make them, as he said, so some1 make a topic in web art for shirt theme, and winner gets the shirt for free ?
I don't have the machine, But I know that we'll need some organization and a concept for what will be on the shirt that Everyone can agree with.. That's where I will come in.. I know someone who may be able to print the shirts.
I don't have the machine, But I know that we'll need some organization and a concept for what will be on the shirt that Everyone can agree with.. That's where I will come in.. I know someone who may be able to print the shirts.
as i mentioned, so do I... but lets both check, which will be cheaper.. prolly yours, cause everything is xpensive in here
if not then i bet he has easy access to one
I dont know anyone personally who can do it but there is a place about 45 seconds from my house called black ink.They do this kind of stuff in quantities of 10+ which I believe we will have more than 10 people wanting em it seems like
K guys I posted a contest in the web art section :hifive:
1Sniper- plz try not to double post, just hit the edit button on the right of the post
well about 100 maybe..and well, we need the design first, to know about the price...
so well choose the cheapest, and best one ?
id kwell do soem sort fo polls but so far nobody has even posted in the web arts topic