Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: kos9399 on October 27, 2008, 05:07:53 PM
Ok I'm a total n00b when it comes to modding my psp even tho i have been messing with CFW since 3.03oe :psp: so if I could just ask a few questions a get some REAL SIMPLE answers that would be great.My first question is I would like like to add 5mm leds to my psp slim how would i go about doing so.Second is it possible to do the power switch to face button rewire mod on the slim because I havent seen any tuts on it.Also I'm sorry if im posting in the wrong section and if I'm asking some very n00bish questions and thanks again. :tup:
It is possible for note to power for slim, No tut because i guess no one felt like it lol...
You have to solder to a zif connector so if you are a noob solderer i wouldn't advise you to try it.
5mm led is way to big btw
Get a SMD led
Yup they will make your trigers look nasty and yes before doing the rewire try soldering on small thing first unless you want to screw your psp
Yup they will make your trigers look nasty
They won't even fit in the triggers.
ive used 3mm leds and they worked alright
Thanks for the help and is there any easy mod i can do until i can order the right led
ive used 3mm leds and they worked alright
They barely work... And if you get them in there you got to smash the triggers down to use them..
AND he said 5MM NOT 3mm there is a difference..
Easy would be a USB Charge fairly simple, Just don't bridge anything on the USB pins or USB wont work until you get the solder off, and you usually don't notice until you go to put something on your psp and then it sucks >.<
ive used 3mm leds and they worked alright
So do you think the 5mm would look ok because i got them at radioshack lol they might have 3mm ones or can someone give me a lik to a site were I can order them
whatch the slim its a bit harder for the yellow dock i broke my first slim like that :fear:
So do you think the 5mm would look ok because i got them at radioshack lol they might have 3mm ones or can someone give me a lik to a site were I can order them
Read what I posted, 5mm will NOT fit in the triggers.
whatch the slim its a bit harder for the yellow dock i broke my first slim like that :fear:
What on earth are you talking about?
when you solder to the socket where the yellow entrance goes i did it put lots of tin on it and for some reason it got lose dont know why tryed again and same thing happend until mobo broke
Lactoze, no offence or anything, but man, you've been giving lots of bs info, randomly spamming, and basically doing stuff that are making quite a few people upset (note your -7 post quility). Just stop it! You've been here only since the end of september, and you already have almost as much post count as me, even though I've only been here since around June. I'm not trying to bash anyone, but please: only post info that you know for sure is correct, don't randomly post things that aren't particularly relevent, and don't be arrogant (like some of your previous posts). Once again, I'm NOT trying to say "gtfo noob, we don't need you". Some of your info HAS been useful, so yeah. Anyways, sorry if this offended you or anything, just giving ya a headsup.
And to answer this guy, like everyone said, you can't use 5mm leds in your triggers. Get 0603 smds off ( and then get info from these two posts: ( (
And for your easy mod, I have heard that doing the usb charge is fairly easy (once again, like other people said) and I would also recommend doing a faceplate swap, or maybe even a full case swap. If you have a dremel or rotary tool, you could also try buying a jewel off here: ( and follow this tutorial to disassemble the psp: ( this tutorial to remove the UMD door: ( and this tutorial to remove the silver ring: ( Then, to put in the jewel, cut a small square inside the part where the silver ring used to be, big enough for you to put in a sanding tool. Then, just start sanding off most of it with a sanding attachment until there's about 1/8 of an inch left at the edge, then just use sand paper to finish it off. Every little bit you sand at the end, try to put in your jewel. It should take a little force to put it in, but not a lot.
Good luck.
Lactoze, no offence or anything, but man, you've been giving lots of bs info, randomly spamming, and basically doing stuff that are making quite a few people upset (note your -7 post quility). Just stop it! You've been here only since the end of september, and you already have almost as much post count as me, even though I've only been here since around June. I'm not trying to bash anyone, but please: only post info that you know for sure is correct, don't randomly post things that aren't particularly relevent, and don't be arrogant (like some of your previous posts). Once again, I'm NOT trying to say "gtfo noob, we don't need you". Some of your info HAS been useful, so yeah. Anyways, sorry if this offended you or anything, just giving ya a headsup.
And to answer this guy, like everyone said, you can't use 5mm leds in your triggers. Get 0603 smds off ( and then get info from these two posts: ( (
And for your easy mod, I have heard that doing the usb charge is fairly easy (once again, like other people said) and I would also recommend doing a faceplate swap, or maybe even a full case swap. If you have a dremel or rotary tool, you could also try buying a jewel off here: ( and follow this tutorial to disassemble the psp: ( this tutorial to remove the UMD door: ( and this tutorial to remove the silver ring: ( Then, to put in the jewel, cut a small square inside the part where the silver ring used to be, big enough for you to put in a sanding tool. Then, just start sanding off most of it with a sanding attachment until there's about 1/8 of an inch left at the edge, then just use sand paper to finish it off. Every little bit you sand at the end, try to put in your jewel. It should take a little force to put it in, but not a lot.
Good luck.
Thanks for the info guys you all were a big help Im actually going to try a full case mod I already ordered my case next ill TRY to do the leds
another easy mod for your psp, is getting a new theme or making your own theme for the psp! :D
another easy mod for your psp, is getting a new theme or making your own theme for the psp! :D
Like I said before I have been messing with CFW for a long time so been there done that but thanks for your suggestion :yess: