
Buy - Sell - Trade => Modders For Hire => MFH Requests => Topic started by: mosquito on November 01, 2008, 10:20:03 PM

Title: PSP 1000 Series mod
Post by: mosquito on November 01, 2008, 10:20:03 PM
I'm looking to find a *pre-made(*you supply the power board, triggers, wiring, etc..) trigger mod for the psp 1000 series. The LEDs must be blue and guaranteed non DOA,  This is a fairly simple mod, but due to the fact that I recently hurt my hand I cant do this myself. Location is US.

If you are interested in doing this, post your price and pictures of your work and I'll get back to you.
Title: Re: PSP 1000 Series mod
Post by: Jumbo on November 02, 2008, 05:23:19 PM
I can make one for 20$ shipped to USA.

Id have to make one to show you what it looks like, But you want it always on, or wired to hold?

Title: Re: PSP 1000 Series mod
Post by: mosquito on November 04, 2008, 06:30:44 PM
made it myself, with a hurt hand and all...(so i did it one handed) its sound reactive too... :w00t:
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