Buy - Sell - Trade => Modders For Hire => MFH Requests => Topic started by: Cycomimespike7777 on December 19, 2008, 07:42:26 AM
I have been looking around for a modded 360 controller but have not been able to find one with the fuctionality that I would like.
What I want is a controller with 4 buttons in the back in a postion close to the ones on this controller.
But the thing is I want to be able to reassign the new buttons to do double shot, rapid fire or a macro that way it can be customized for all my games so I also need it to be be able to link up to my computer to do that. I realy like the way this guy has his hook up and how easy he can change his settings.
I dont know much programing so I need to be able to change the settings very easily with some sort of GUI program.
I also want a complete parts list, written tutorial and video tutorial so i can recreate this again if I want to.
I will pay for whomevers services and for parts.
If you dont feel like posting her you can email me at
and thanks beforhand for any help or services that I recieve.