Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: robin1989 on January 19, 2009, 05:33:45 PM
this it what happens when your bored at 1am (
you guys should join and spread the word post some pics and content etc or just generally hang about
join and be cool like the rest of us!
you mean the 3 of us
im in
i sined up for face book just for this lol. i love acidmods.
Contrary to popular belief joining a social networking web site will not destroy your soul
Oh hai. I joined :D
im like never going to update it. it's going to be just a blank white thing.
Guise makes me an admin pl0x :D
hey feel free to ad pictures and videos to show off your stuff on facebook and ivite your friends to check it out
hahaha the marriage between my two most visited websites has commenced! Let the shannanigans begin
You called shananigans? You'd better look out for any pistol whippers...
Oh, and that group=awesome... kinda neat to put a face behind the username
hahaha the marriage between my two most visited websites has commenced! Let the shannanigans begin
I R joined I made my face Book to keep in contact with my family in lebanon...
cool nice to see people joining now post some pictures and videos to it make it an fun place to visit
"hey farva, whats that name of the resteraunt you like to go to with all the flair?"
lmfao, funny thing is I live in Vermont! and there really was a restaraunt called shannanigans in lyndonville! neverwent and I think it closed :cry2:
do these schnazberries taste funny to you?
-Super Troopers...........if you havnt seen, watch it.