
Acidmods Gaming Area => Console Games => Xbox 360 Gaming => Topic started by: Modded Matt on January 29, 2009, 01:39:54 PM

Title: res evil 5
Post by: Modded Matt on January 29, 2009, 01:39:54 PM
did you guys pick up the demo, the two player co op seems like it is going to be great. not like the army of two that was restricted to certian regions, I have a 13meg internet conectio, and most of the guys I play with are over seas, so that is very cool.

download this from the market place if you get a sec

fear two looks alot better then the first one also

I will be getting both of these
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: PsychoticWolf on January 29, 2009, 01:45:00 PM
did you guys pick up the demo, the two player co op seems like it is going to be great. not like the army of two that was restricted to certian regions, I have a 13meg internet conectio, and most of the guys I play with are over seas, so that is very cool.

download this from the market place if you get a sec

fear two looks alot better then the first one also

I will be getting both of these

Yea I had the demo before it was released here in the US I like it alot.
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: gamerdude767 on January 29, 2009, 01:46:14 PM
yeah i played it at my mates and its awesome.. i cant wait to buy it :):)
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: Modded Matt on March 16, 2009, 06:30:58 AM
what an amazing game, I dont say that much, and I did not get the controls and point of view right away, but if you give it a chance, this game is great. the graphics are some of the best I have ever seen.

unfortunatly after you play this twice or so it will get old, no multiplayer verses, only coop, but capcom out did themselves on the coop.

please, dont cheat yourselves and at the very least, rent this game with a friend and play through the deep, beautiful campain.
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: PsychoticWolf on March 16, 2009, 09:38:00 AM
Yea thats cool. im not sure how an Online would have Worked... cause if it was infected Vs Chris and his team. it wouldn't work out well. But yea I'm totally wanting this game.
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: Venom_762 on March 21, 2009, 05:04:50 PM
Cool game, I just wish it was a first person veiw.
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: PsychoticWolf on March 21, 2009, 05:12:15 PM
First person would ruin the game.. I love it how it is, Also I beat the game and got some badass weapons but my 360 died on my play thru on veteran. so now i have to try to fix my box. and play again.
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: Venom_762 on March 22, 2009, 08:37:34 AM
Your right but I'm use to the COD series and love the first person. What about the way the gun sights are thats kinda of cool.
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: PsychoticWolf on March 22, 2009, 09:45:07 AM
Your right but I'm use to the COD series and love the first person. What about the way the gun sights are thats kinda of cool.
Yes this is true. Tho in RE 5 I wouldn't Mind being able to run and shoot/reload. lol
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: Venom_762 on April 19, 2009, 09:51:55 AM
true dat, I bought it Saturday and running kinda sucks, but it is a very cool game.
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: Modded Matt on April 20, 2009, 07:12:54 AM
I love this game, if anyone needs a partner, send me a message  (IFF Matt B) I have every wepon upgraded to the max, and the bow and gatling gun, and unlimited rockets LOL. I am now working on the online characters, mercinary mode characters. and few remainig achevments I missed. did I mention this is a great game. LOL
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: PsychoticWolf on April 27, 2009, 09:00:27 AM
I love this game, if anyone needs a partner, send me a message  (IFF Matt B) I have every wepon upgraded to the max, and the bow and gatling gun, and unlimited rockets LOL. I am now working on the online characters, mercinary mode characters. and few remainig achevments I missed. did I mention this is a great game. LOL

Yea I have every thing unlocked I so love this game. its awesome.
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: phenoptix on August 26, 2009, 03:18:34 AM
I rented this and played through the campaign. Very impressive, the end boss was a swine but apart from that excellent all round.
I just purchased the game second hand from ebay to pay multiplayer and get all the upgrades.
You can't go wrong with Zombie games.
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: ~:Dhruv:~ on August 26, 2009, 04:51:22 AM
I rented this and played through the campaign. Very impressive, the end boss was a swine but apart from that excellent all round.
I just purchased the game second hand from ebay to pay multiplayer and get all the upgrades.
You can't go wrong with Zombie games.

The post above you is from APRIL !!!!

If u have to say something, go ahead and create a new thread but do NOT bump old threads...........
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: phenoptix on August 26, 2009, 05:47:42 AM
Out of interest, what is the cut off for replying to a thread?
Title: Re: res evil 5
Post by: ~:Dhruv:~ on August 26, 2009, 06:02:30 AM
PM Me if you want to know something, stop replying to this thread ,

Limit imho is not more than 2 weeks , 3 at max....
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